Saturday 10 October 2015

Appeal to non-Hindus for one day Navratri fast

There was a time in India when Hindus used to participate in Eid and Muharram, while Muslims used to participate in Holi and Diwali.

 Later, particularly after the Great Mutiny of 1857 the British and their agents sowed the seed of communalism into our society.  This poison, injected year after year and decade after decade resulted in Partition in 1947 ( see my article 'The Truth about Pakistan' available online and on my blog,  and B.N.Pandey's speech ' History in the Sevice of Imperialism ' available online ). Many elements in India are still spreading communal hatred to divide and polarize the people and thus secure their vote bank.

 My effort has been to expose such communal ( and therefore anti-Indian ) rascals,and to administer anti-dotes to neutralize the communal poison in our body politic.

 For this purpose I appealed to all non-Muslims to keep one day roza on 4th July which was during Ramzan. I myself have been keeping one day roza during Ramzan for several years. This is just as a token of respect and solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters. In my appeal I also requested non Hindus to keep one day fast during Navratri. The response to my appeal was overwhelming, and many Hindus and other non Muslims kept roza on 4th July

 Some Hindus said that they would abide by my appeal and keep one day roza on 4th July, but added that they doubted that Muslims would keep one day fast during Navratri. However, many Muslims said that they would.

 Navratri is starting on 13th October. I appeal to all non Hindus to keep one day fast on 13th October, or if for some reason that is not possible, on any other day during Navratri. You may ask your Hindu friends what you can eat and drink on that day.

 By keeping one day fast you will not get converted from your religion. It is just a token of respect and solidarity with people of other religions, which is absolutely necessary to keep India united.


  1. I appreciate the appeal made by Hon'ble Justice Katju Sb.This appeal if materiaises will have cementing effect and will unite all religions by having mutual respect for each other. I thank Katju sb for his noble endeavour.I also want to be a part of it.

  2. Are you mad Mr Katju, why should anybody keep roza on Navaratri, so to speak. I have not heard of it at all. I have not heard any Hindus fasting on Navaratri, on any day of Navaratri. At least in South India there is no such custom. May be you are confusing with Shiv Ratri when Hindus not only fast but even do 'jaagaraN' (wake up whole night, possibly because they are afraid if they sleep on that night Shiva may get angry and cut their heads!). It is like 'Jagnea kii raat' of Muslims or rather this 'Jagnea kii raat' might have been devised in imitation of Shiv Ratri.

  3. saya ibu lilis posisi sekarang di malaysia
    bekerja sebagai pembantu gaji tidak seberapa
    setiap gajian selalu mengirimkan orang tua
    sebenarnya pengen pulang tapi gak punya uang
    sempat saya putus asah dan secara kebetulan
    saya buka internet ada seseorng berkomentar
    tentang MBAH LIMPAH katanya perna di bantu
    melalui jalan togel saya coba2 menghubungi
    karna di malaysia ada pemasangan
    jadi saya memberanikan diri karna sudah bingun
    saya minta angka sama MBAH LIMPAH
    angka yang di berikan 6D TOTO tembus 100%
    terima kasih banyak MBAH
    kemarin saya bingun syukur sekarang sudah senang
    dan rencana mau pulang ke indo untuk buka usaha
    bagi penggemar togel ingin merasakan kemenangan
    terutama yang punya masalah hutang lama belum lunas
    jangan putus asah HUBUNGI MBAH LIMPAH
    DI NOMOR HP: 085~312~407~999
    tak ada salahnya anda coba
    karna angka ritual MBAH tidak perna meleset
    saya jamin MBAH LIMPAH tidak akan mengecewakan..

    saya ibu lilis posisi sekarang di malaysia
    bekerja sebagai pembantu gaji tidak seberapa
    setiap gajian selalu mengirimkan orang tua
    sebenarnya pengen pulang tapi gak punya uang
    sempat saya putus asah dan secara kebetulan
    saya buka internet ada seseorng berkomentar
    tentang MBAH LIMPAH katanya perna di bantu
    melalui jalan togel saya coba2 menghubungi
    karna di malaysia ada pemasangan
    jadi saya memberanikan diri karna sudah bingun
    saya minta angka sama MBAH LIMPAH
    angka yang di berikan 6D TOTO tembus 100%
    terima kasih banyak MBAH
    kemarin saya bingun syukur sekarang sudah senang
    dan rencana mau pulang ke indo untuk buka usaha
    bagi penggemar togel ingin merasakan kemenangan
    terutama yang punya masalah hutang lama belum lunas
    jangan putus asah HUBUNGI MBAH LIMPAH
    DI NOMOR HP: 085~312~407~999
    tak ada salahnya anda coba
    karna angka ritual MBAH tidak perna meleset
    saya jamin MBAH LIMPAH tidak akan mengecewakan..

    saya ibu lilis posisi sekarang di malaysia
    bekerja sebagai pembantu gaji tidak seberapa
    setiap gajian selalu mengirimkan orang tua
    sebenarnya pengen pulang tapi gak punya uang
    sempat saya putus asah dan secara kebetulan
    saya buka internet ada seseorng berkomentar
    tentang MBAH LIMPAH katanya perna di bantu
    melalui jalan togel saya coba2 menghubungi
    karna di malaysia ada pemasangan
    jadi saya memberanikan diri karna sudah bingun
    saya minta angka sama MBAH LIMPAH
    angka yang di berikan 6D TOTO tembus 100%
    terima kasih banyak MBAH
    kemarin saya bingun syukur sekarang sudah senang
    dan rencana mau pulang ke indo untuk buka usaha
    bagi penggemar togel ingin merasakan kemenangan
    terutama yang punya masalah hutang lama belum lunas
    jangan putus asah HUBUNGI MBAH LIMPAH
    DI NOMOR HP: 085~312~407~999
    tak ada salahnya anda coba
    karna angka ritual MBAH tidak perna meleset
    saya jamin MBAH LIMPAH tidak akan mengecewakan..

  4. Thank you for sharing such beautiful thoughts.
    I respect my friends' parents; so do I respect their faith...! I do not lose anything by doing so; but, I gain peace of mind.

  5. Thank you for sharing such beautiful thoughts.
    I respect my friends' parents; so do I respect their faith...! I do not lose anything by doing so; but, I gain peace of mind.
