Why are you wasting so much time running from channel to channel? What about your sermons o real problems of India? Stop taking shelter behind Gopal Das and Chistis because in those cases no one opposed you as those were genuine cases. When was the last time you admitted that you are on the wrong side?
http://prasunbajpai.itzmyblog.com/2013/03/blog-post_25.html प्रिया दत्त क्यों नहीं आयीं काटजू से मिलने ? अगर संजय दत्त को राज्यपाल माफी दे सकते है और संजय दत्त इसके हकदार है तो प्रिया दत्त तो इसे खुलकर कह सकती है। लेकिन जिस देश में हजारो हजार कैदी हक़दार हैं तो प्रिया दत्त तो खुलकर कह सकती हैं। लेकिन जिस देश में हजारों हजार कैदी संजय दत्त से कहीं ज्यादा त्रासदी भोग रहे हों और माफी तो दूर उनकी जमानत तक देने वाला कोई ना हो तो संजय दत्त के लिये माफी का सवाल एक शर्म तो हो ही जाती है। और शायद प्रिया दत्त में यह शर्म होगी। यह सवाल इसलिये क्योंकि 25 मार्च को शाम 4 बजे जस्टिस काटजू से मुलाकात के लिये प्रिया दत्त को आना था। लेकिन वह नहीं आयीं। क्योंकि वहां मीडिया था। जस्टिस काटजू को लगता रहा कि जब वह खुले तौर पर संजय दत्त को माफी दिये जाने की पैरवी कर रहे हैं तो संजय दत्त की बहन प्रिया दत्त का तो यह हक है कि वह माफी की खुली वकालत करें। लेकिन प्रिया शायद इस सच को समझ गई कि उनकी अपनी राजनीतिक जमीन जिस वोट बैंक पर टिकी है वहां फिर उनकी नहीं चलेगी। क्योंकि संजय दत्त अगर माफी के हकदार होते हैं तो 93 ब्लास्ट में सहआरोपियों की एक लंबी लिस्ट है, जिन्हें संजय दत्त से पहले माफी मिलनी चाहिये। क्योंकि संजय दत्त के घर जिन हथियारो को रखा गया वहीं हथियार जाने-अनजाने ऐसे लोगों के हाथों भी गुजरा जिनका ब्लास्ट से कोई लेना देना नहीं था और वह सभी कभी दाऊद से मिले भी नहीं थे।
मसलन, जैबुशा कादरी, मंजूर अहमद, इब्राहिम मूसा, युसुफ नलवाला, करसी अदजनिया और ऐसे ही दर्जन भर दोषी हैं, जिनका केस संजय दत्त पर भारी है। या कहे राज्यपाल को अगर नैतिक तौर पर यह कहा जाये कि वह किसी एक को माफी दे दें तो संजय दत्त का नंबर दस के बाद ही आयेगा। जाहिर है प्रिया दत्त को चुनाव बी लड़ना है तो वह जस्टिस काटजू से शाम 4 बजे का वक्त लेकर नहीं पहुंची। क्योंकि मीडिया वहां पहुंच चुका था। और कानून के दायरे में फंसे सजाय़ाफ्ता लोगो के बारे में सवाल होते। उनके अपने लोकसभा क्षेत्र के लोगों को लेकर सवाल होते। असल में जस्टिस काटजू जिस दलील को दे रहे हैं और 20 बरस तक की त्रासदी भोगने के दर्द को संजय दत्त के साथ जोड़कर देख रहे है, अगर इस 20 बरस की त्रासदी को ही राज्यपाल से माफी की लकीर मान लें तो मौजूदा वक्त में उत्तर प्रदेश की जेल में 673 कैदी और बिहार में 467 कैदी ऐसे हैं, जो 20 बरस से ज्यादा वक्त से जेल में इसलिये है क्योंकि किसी की जमानत देने वाला कोई नही है तो किसी की सुनवाई हुई ही नहीं। और जेल ही घर बन चुकी है। दिल्ली के तिहाड जेल में सात कैदी बीते 38 बरस से जेल में हैं। और इन्हें सजा तीन से सात बरस की हुई थी। लेकिन इनकी सुध लेने वाला कोई नहीं। मुश्किल यह है कि कांग्रेस के महासचिव को संजय दत्त 33 बरस में भी नादान ही दिखायी देते है। एनसीपी और शिवसेना भी मानते हैं कि संजय दत्त को बहुत दर्द मिल चुका है। जबकि देश में कुल सवा तीन लाख सजायाफ्ता कैदियो में से 75 हजार कैदी ऐसे हैं जो आर्मस् एक्ट के तहत संजय दत्त से ज्यादा सजा भोग चुके हैं।
असल में संजय दत्त संभवत: देश के पहले ऐसे सजायाफ्ता अपराधी हैं, जिन्हें जमानत मिली। और जमानत के दौर में ही फिल्मो में काम करके दौ सौ करोड़ से ज्यादा बनाये। दर्जनों बार विदेश चले गये। शादी भी इसी दौर में कर ली। 2007-08 में तो एक न्यूज चैनल ने संजय दत्त को इयर अवार्ड से नवाजा। और संजय दत्त को सम्मानित करने और कोई नहीं देश के प्रधानमंत्री पहुंचे। यानी सबकुछ जमानत के दौरान। और अब जब देश की सबसे बडी अदालत सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने सजा सुना दी तो संजय दत्त को माफी मिल जानी चाहिये। और यह बात भी और कोई नहीं प्रेस काउंसिल आफ इंडिया के चेयरमैन और देश के जस्टिस रह चुके मार्कन्डेय काटजू कर रहे हैं। यानी दिल देश के लिये नहीं संजय दत्त के लिये धड़क रहा है। तो किन्हें नाज है इस हिन्द पर जहां सिस्टम फेल है। और सिस्टम ठीक करने की जगह सिस्टम में ही लाभ मिलने की कवायद वही कर रहे है जो खुद को हिन्द का नाज मानते हैं।
OB Van Politics of once almost worshipped J Katju_relevant quotes from SC judgment dtd 21/3/13 about Begum Zaibunisa Anwar Kazi,whose Daughter says Salem was coming to Begum Kazi's house as property dealer .She should be asked about how many property deals Salem has managed or even tried for Begum Kazi's family.Repeat offence is taken very seriously in law,in fact. (Reason) quote"It is indeed true that considering the role played by her in storing the weapons in her house or even for A-89 being also instrumental for taking the said weapons does create a strong suspicion of both of them being man of confidence of prime conspirator."unquote
(Reason ) quote"(34) However, considering the repeated participation of A- 119 in allowing absconding accused Anees Ibrahim to store the weapons at her house or with her, herself taking up the weapons in spite of knowing the purpose for which the same were sent by Anees, the evidence pertaining to second occasion clearly revealing that the weapons were 2 AK-56 Rifles and the ammunition and thereby all the evidence establishing that the same being brought to India for commission of terrorists Act i.e. by and for the terrorists,"unquote (Reason ) quote"(32)Now considering the period in which the relevant had occurred and the period after which the police had received the information, merely because evidence does not reveal of any material being found at the house of A-119 will not be a ground for discarding the said material in the confession of A-89. As a matter of fact, event the said material itself reveals that the said weapons were to be kept with her and were to be collected back by Abu Salem; non-finding of weapon with her clearly appears to be insignificant circumstance. "unquote
(Reason ) quote"Retracted Confessions:
38) It has been contended that since the confession of the appellant - Sanjay Dutt (A-117) has been retracted, hence, it is not trustworthy and it would not be safe to place reliance upon it. It is settled law that a voluntary and free confession, even if later retracted, can be relied upon."unquote
(Reason ) -recorded on pages 40-41 in clause 21of judgment in criminal appeal no 1060 of 2007.Quote"Confessional Statement of Manzoor Ahmed Sayyed Ahmed (A-89)
i) A-89 was a good friend of Abu Salem. ii) He owns a Maruti 1000 bearing No. MP 23 B-9264. iii) On 22/23rd January, 1993, A-89 met A-139. A-139 gave the keys of his car to A-41 who kept a black bag of weapons in it. iv) A-139 and A-89 then went to the first floor of 22 Mount Mary, Vidhyanchal Apts. They gave the bag to an old lady, viz., Zaibunisa Anwar Kazi (A-119) and told her that the arms were for the purpose of causing riots, and were sent by Anees Ibrahim - brother of Dawood Ibrahim. v) A-119 looked at the contents of the bag and then kept it at her residence. vi) After 8 days, A-139 called A-89 again and together with A-40, they went to the residence of A-117 where he gave them a blue rexin bag and a carton. vii) Abu Salem and A-89 then went to the house of A-119 and gave the carton and the bag to her. Abu Salem told A-119 to keep those weapons safely as they were to be used for orchestrating bomb blasts."unquote
First such bomb blast must not be used by anyone for furthering ambitions of cheap politics or mishandling will bring situation like forgotten plight of Kashmiri Pandits even by J Katju because highlighting plights of Kashmiri Pandits will not make him Governor or Rajya Sabha MP and he must benevolently consider resigning in the name of unwritten propriety which he professed frequently in judgments in HC and SC, from present salaried post for not focussing in his job like former army chief,although projecting honest image..
I used to respect you and consider a person with intellect; but you proved yourself to be nothing more than thousands of paid servants of the corrupt government.
To prove repeated( twice in 8 days,non-recovery circumstantially proves use in blasts) acceptance of hand granades and ammunition after listening that Anees Ibrahim Kaskar (friend of jewellery designer daughter,due to whom she didn't allegedly marry,owning 3 Cr flat even when father not alive )brother of Dawood sent explosives for bomb blasts,checking by opening bag by Bugum Kazi in presence of confessional statement of A-40 Hanif Kandawala,A-139-then absconder Abu Salem,A-119 Begum Zaibunnisa Kazi,A-117 Sanjay Dutt, all corroborating
Dear Mr Justice, Mostrespectfully ,let me quote page 40-41 of Judgment in appeal by A-117 no 1060 of 2007- Quote"Confessional Statement of Manzoor Ahmed Sayyed Ahmed (A-89) Confessional statement of A-89 under Section 15 of TADA was duly recorded on 24.05.1993 (11:15 hrs.) and 26.05.1993 (17:30 hrs.) by Shri Krishan Lal Bishnoi (PW-193) the then DCP, Zone III, Bombay. The said confession reveals as under: i) A-89 was a good friend of Abu Salem. ii) He owns a Maruti 1000 bearing No. MP 23 B-9264. iii) On 22/23rd January, 1993, A-89 met A-139. A-139 gave the keys of his car to A-41 who kept a black bag of weapons in it. iv) A-139 and A-89 then went to the first floor of 22 Mount Mary, Vidhyanchal Apts. They gave the bag to an oldlady, viz., Zaibunisa Anwar Kazi (A-119) and told her that the arms were for the purpose of causing riots, and were sent by Anees Ibrahim - brother of Dawood Ibrahim. v) A-119 looked at the contents of the bag and then kept it at her residence. vi) After 8 days, A-139 called A-89 again and together with A-40, they went to the residence of A-117 where he gave them a blue rexin bag and a carton. vii) Abu Salem and A-89 then went to the house of A-119 and gave the carton and the bag to her. Abu Salem told A-119 to keep those weapons safely as they were to be used for orchestrating bomb blasts..."unquote May kindly like to peruse for curative petition soas to pray for life imprisonment to Begum Kazi and also investigating role of her daughter living beyond means due to popularly alleged friendship with the prime conspirator Annes Bhai brother of Dawood Bhai..,
Ref inappropriate appeal for Pardon dtd 28/3/13,by Retd Justice Katju ignoring ammunition including 25 hand granades thrown on poors in Machhimar Jhoparpatti being recd by Sanjay Dutt(33 then and educated in best schools thus exposed to law reading regularly newspapers) in full active discussion as per enclosed confessions in Dear Mr President/Mr Prime Minister/Mr Home Minister Mostrespectfully ,I have to bring on record that 2 fit cases of life imprisonment has been benevolently turned into few years of detention by Hon'ble Supreme Court.In full knowledge of handgranades recorded as under by SC ,Justice Katju is belittling SC by saying Self-defence when Dutts already had 3 licences of weapons. Begum Kaji receives ammunitions twice in 8 days,after checking the bag,both times being told that they will be used in Bombay blasts.Retracted statement when taken under TADA act with due procedure giving 48 hrs of time is still admissible.Justice Katju misleading President and PM by writing "a Prohibited weapon"while Sanjay Dutt kept handgranades which were later barbarically thown on SCHEDULED CASTES of Machhimar colony.If educated men of 34 years could not understand 25 handgranades brought by gangsters to Mumbai and accepts those on phone call by Annes Ibrahim Kaskar,brother of Dawwod,only J Katju can recommend him pardon to become political executive soon. In case of Bugum Zaibunissa Anwar Kazi,who received handgranades etc with due checking by her twice in 8 days with full declaration of purpose of use in Bombay blasts,Life sentence is a fit case and CBI must be advised to file Curative petition for greater punishment to her. J Katju is doing OB van politics like Arvind Kejriwal by taking only cases which will bring him media attention.Letters of mine citing relevant confessions recorded in SC Judgments is chosen to be ignored by J Katju.Which is similarly unfortunate as he rushed to appeal to Governor ,who does not have powers in Arms Act.Now writing to President and to feign his ignorance of law sending copies to PM and HM and not to Governor.On lighter note,J Katju is danger to employment of similar politician practicing appeasement like Digvijay Singh. Letters written to J Katju follow with the request to dismiss him from salaried post for misleading President and PM by selective citations and causing instability in state by belittling SC sitting in salaried position and hurting sentiments of majority community thus demanding the impossible to cause rift between 2 communities. high regards, Navien Maxwell 28/3/13
http://tehelka.com/how-the-star-escaped-tada/ 257 people were reduced to a heap of mangled limbs and charred torsos. AUTHORS :ASHISH KHETAN HARINDER BAWEJA 2007-03-24 ,
Maria told Sanjay to tell his father the truth, and Sanjay conceded that he had been in possession of an assault rifle and some ammunition that he had got from Anees Ibrahim. Sunil Dutt wanted to know the reason why. He was not prepared for the answer: “Because I have Muslim blood in my veins. I could not bear what was happening in the city.” A crestfallen Sunil Dutt left the police headquarters. It was a moment almost worse than the shock of the previous day.
Why are you wasting so much time running from channel to channel? What about your sermons o real problems of India? Stop taking shelter behind Gopal Das and Chistis because in those cases no one opposed you as those were genuine cases. When was the last time you admitted that you are on the wrong side?
ReplyDeleteJames bond responding to indian blogs....?? funny
DeleteThat's all you can get by reading this post?
ReplyDeleteप्रिया दत्त क्यों नहीं आयीं काटजू से मिलने ?
अगर संजय दत्त को राज्यपाल माफी दे सकते है और संजय दत्त इसके हकदार है तो प्रिया दत्त तो इसे खुलकर कह सकती है। लेकिन जिस देश में हजारो हजार कैदी हक़दार हैं तो प्रिया दत्त तो खुलकर कह सकती हैं। लेकिन जिस देश में हजारों हजार कैदी संजय दत्त से कहीं ज्यादा त्रासदी भोग रहे हों और माफी तो दूर उनकी जमानत तक देने वाला कोई ना हो तो संजय दत्त के लिये माफी का सवाल एक शर्म तो हो ही जाती है। और शायद प्रिया दत्त में यह शर्म होगी। यह सवाल इसलिये क्योंकि 25 मार्च को शाम 4 बजे जस्टिस काटजू से मुलाकात के लिये प्रिया दत्त को आना था। लेकिन वह नहीं आयीं। क्योंकि वहां मीडिया था। जस्टिस काटजू को लगता रहा कि जब वह खुले तौर पर संजय दत्त को माफी दिये जाने की पैरवी कर रहे हैं तो संजय दत्त की बहन प्रिया दत्त का तो यह हक है कि वह माफी की खुली वकालत करें। लेकिन प्रिया शायद इस सच को समझ गई कि उनकी अपनी राजनीतिक जमीन जिस वोट बैंक पर टिकी है वहां फिर उनकी नहीं चलेगी। क्योंकि संजय दत्त अगर माफी के हकदार होते हैं तो 93 ब्लास्ट में सहआरोपियों की एक लंबी लिस्ट है, जिन्हें संजय दत्त से पहले माफी मिलनी चाहिये। क्योंकि संजय दत्त के घर जिन हथियारो को रखा गया वहीं हथियार जाने-अनजाने ऐसे लोगों के हाथों भी गुजरा जिनका ब्लास्ट से कोई लेना देना नहीं था और वह सभी कभी दाऊद से मिले भी नहीं थे।
मसलन, जैबुशा कादरी, मंजूर अहमद, इब्राहिम मूसा, युसुफ नलवाला, करसी अदजनिया और ऐसे ही दर्जन भर दोषी हैं, जिनका केस संजय दत्त पर भारी है। या कहे राज्यपाल को अगर नैतिक तौर पर यह कहा जाये कि वह किसी एक को माफी दे दें तो संजय दत्त का नंबर दस के बाद ही आयेगा। जाहिर है प्रिया दत्त को चुनाव बी लड़ना है तो वह जस्टिस काटजू से शाम 4 बजे का वक्त लेकर नहीं पहुंची। क्योंकि मीडिया वहां पहुंच चुका था। और कानून के दायरे में फंसे सजाय़ाफ्ता लोगो के बारे में सवाल होते। उनके अपने लोकसभा क्षेत्र के लोगों को लेकर सवाल होते। असल में जस्टिस काटजू जिस दलील को दे रहे हैं और 20 बरस तक की त्रासदी भोगने के दर्द को संजय दत्त के साथ जोड़कर देख रहे है, अगर इस 20 बरस की त्रासदी को ही राज्यपाल से माफी की लकीर मान लें तो मौजूदा वक्त में उत्तर प्रदेश की जेल में 673 कैदी और बिहार में 467 कैदी ऐसे हैं, जो 20 बरस से ज्यादा वक्त से जेल में इसलिये है क्योंकि किसी की जमानत देने वाला कोई नही है तो किसी की सुनवाई हुई ही नहीं। और जेल ही घर बन चुकी है। दिल्ली के तिहाड जेल में सात कैदी बीते 38 बरस से जेल में हैं। और इन्हें सजा तीन से सात बरस की हुई थी। लेकिन इनकी सुध लेने वाला कोई नहीं। मुश्किल यह है कि कांग्रेस के महासचिव को संजय दत्त 33 बरस में भी नादान ही दिखायी देते है। एनसीपी और शिवसेना भी मानते हैं कि संजय दत्त को बहुत दर्द मिल चुका है। जबकि देश में कुल सवा तीन लाख सजायाफ्ता कैदियो में से 75 हजार कैदी ऐसे हैं जो आर्मस् एक्ट के तहत संजय दत्त से ज्यादा सजा भोग चुके हैं।
असल में संजय दत्त संभवत: देश के पहले ऐसे सजायाफ्ता अपराधी हैं, जिन्हें जमानत मिली। और जमानत के दौर में ही फिल्मो में काम करके दौ सौ करोड़ से ज्यादा बनाये। दर्जनों बार विदेश चले गये। शादी भी इसी दौर में कर ली। 2007-08 में तो एक न्यूज चैनल ने संजय दत्त को इयर अवार्ड से नवाजा। और संजय दत्त को सम्मानित करने और कोई नहीं देश के प्रधानमंत्री पहुंचे। यानी सबकुछ जमानत के दौरान। और अब जब देश की सबसे बडी अदालत सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने सजा सुना दी तो संजय दत्त को माफी मिल जानी चाहिये। और यह बात भी और कोई नहीं प्रेस काउंसिल आफ इंडिया के चेयरमैन और देश के जस्टिस रह चुके मार्कन्डेय काटजू कर रहे हैं। यानी दिल देश के लिये नहीं संजय दत्त के लिये धड़क रहा है। तो किन्हें नाज है इस हिन्द पर जहां सिस्टम फेल है। और सिस्टम ठीक करने की जगह सिस्टम में ही लाभ मिलने की कवायद वही कर रहे है जो खुद को हिन्द का नाज मानते हैं।
Awesome article. Hope Mr. Katju will come out of his superiority complex before public shows him the right place.
DeleteOB Van Politics of once almost worshipped J Katju_relevant quotes from SC judgment dtd 21/3/13 about Begum Zaibunisa Anwar Kazi,whose Daughter says Salem was coming to Begum Kazi's house as property dealer .She should be asked about how many property deals Salem has managed or even tried for Begum Kazi's family.Repeat offence is taken very seriously in law,in fact.
ReplyDelete(Reason) quote"It is indeed true that
considering the role played by her in storing the weapons
in her house or even for A-89 being also instrumental for
taking the said weapons does create a strong suspicion of
both of them being man of confidence of prime
(Reason ) quote"(34) However, considering the repeated participation of A-
119 in allowing absconding accused Anees Ibrahim to store
the weapons at her house or with her, herself taking up the
weapons in spite of knowing the purpose for which the
same were sent by Anees, the evidence pertaining to
second occasion clearly revealing that the weapons were 2
AK-56 Rifles and the ammunition and thereby all the
evidence establishing that the same being brought to India
for commission of terrorists Act i.e. by and for the
(Reason ) quote"(32)Now considering the period in which the
relevant had occurred and the period after which the police
had received the information, merely because evidence
does not reveal of any material being found at the house of
A-119 will not be a ground for discarding the said material
in the confession of A-89. As a matter of fact, event the
said material itself reveals that the said weapons were to
be kept with her and were to be collected back by Abu
Salem; non-finding of weapon with her clearly appears to
be insignificant circumstance. "unquote
(Reason ) quote"Retracted Confessions:
38) It has been contended that since the confession of the
appellant - Sanjay Dutt (A-117) has been retracted, hence, it
is not trustworthy and it would not be safe to place reliance
upon it. It is settled law that a voluntary and free
confession, even if later retracted, can be relied upon."unquote
(Reason ) -recorded on pages 40-41 in clause 21of judgment in criminal appeal no 1060 of 2007.Quote"Confessional Statement of Manzoor Ahmed Sayyed
Ahmed (A-89)
i) A-89 was a good friend of Abu Salem.
ii) He owns a Maruti 1000 bearing No. MP 23 B-9264.
iii) On 22/23rd January, 1993, A-89 met A-139. A-139 gave
the keys of his car to A-41 who kept a black bag of
weapons in it.
iv) A-139 and A-89 then went to the first floor of 22 Mount
Mary, Vidhyanchal Apts. They gave the bag to an old lady, viz., Zaibunisa Anwar Kazi (A-119) and told her
that the arms were for the purpose of causing riots, and
were sent by Anees Ibrahim - brother of Dawood
v) A-119 looked at the contents of the bag and then kept
it at her residence.
vi) After 8 days, A-139 called A-89 again and together with
A-40, they went to the residence of A-117 where he
gave them a blue rexin bag and a carton.
vii) Abu Salem and A-89 then went to the house of A-119
and gave the carton and the bag to her. Abu Salem
told A-119 to keep those weapons safely as they were
to be used for orchestrating bomb blasts."unquote
First such bomb blast must not be used by anyone for furthering ambitions of cheap politics or mishandling will bring situation like forgotten plight of Kashmiri Pandits even by J Katju because highlighting plights of Kashmiri Pandits will not make him Governor or Rajya Sabha MP and he must benevolently consider resigning in the name of unwritten propriety which he professed frequently in judgments in HC and SC, from present salaried post for not focussing in his job like former army chief,although projecting honest image..
ReplyDeleteI used to respect you and consider a person with intellect; but you proved yourself to be nothing more than thousands of paid servants of the corrupt government.
To prove repeated( twice in 8 days,non-recovery circumstantially proves use in blasts) acceptance of hand granades and ammunition after listening that Anees Ibrahim Kaskar (friend of jewellery designer daughter,due to whom she didn't allegedly marry,owning 3 Cr flat even when father not alive )brother of Dawood sent explosives for bomb blasts,checking by opening bag by Bugum Kazi in presence of confessional statement of A-40 Hanif Kandawala,A-139-then absconder Abu Salem,A-119 Begum Zaibunnisa Kazi,A-117 Sanjay Dutt, all corroborating
ReplyDeleteDear Mr Justice,
Mostrespectfully ,let me quote page 40-41 of Judgment in appeal by A-117 no 1060 of 2007-
Quote"Confessional Statement of Manzoor Ahmed Sayyed
Ahmed (A-89)
Confessional statement of A-89 under Section 15 of
TADA was duly recorded on 24.05.1993 (11:15 hrs.) and
26.05.1993 (17:30 hrs.) by Shri Krishan Lal Bishnoi (PW-193)
the then DCP, Zone III, Bombay. The said confession reveals
as under:
i) A-89 was a good friend of Abu Salem.
ii) He owns a Maruti 1000 bearing No. MP 23 B-9264.
iii) On 22/23rd January, 1993, A-89 met A-139. A-139 gave
the keys of his car to A-41 who kept a black bag of
weapons in it.
iv) A-139 and A-89 then went to the first floor of 22 Mount
Mary, Vidhyanchal Apts. They gave the bag to an oldlady, viz., Zaibunisa Anwar Kazi (A-119) and told her
that the arms were for the purpose of causing riots, and
were sent by Anees Ibrahim - brother of Dawood
v) A-119 looked at the contents of the bag and then kept
it at her residence.
vi) After 8 days, A-139 called A-89 again and together with
A-40, they went to the residence of A-117 where he
gave them a blue rexin bag and a carton.
vii) Abu Salem and A-89 then went to the house of A-119
and gave the carton and the bag to her. Abu Salem
told A-119 to keep those weapons safely as they were
to be used for orchestrating bomb blasts..."unquote
May kindly like to peruse for curative petition soas to pray for life imprisonment to Begum Kazi and also investigating role of her daughter living beyond means due to popularly alleged friendship with the prime conspirator Annes Bhai brother of Dawood Bhai..,
Ref inappropriate appeal for Pardon dtd 28/3/13,by Retd Justice Katju ignoring ammunition including 25 hand granades thrown on poors in Machhimar Jhoparpatti being recd by Sanjay Dutt(33 then and educated in best schools thus exposed to law reading regularly newspapers) in full active discussion as per enclosed confessions in
ReplyDeleteDear Mr President/Mr Prime Minister/Mr Home Minister
Mostrespectfully ,I have to bring on record that 2 fit cases of life imprisonment has been benevolently turned into few years of detention by Hon'ble Supreme Court.In full knowledge of handgranades recorded as under by SC ,Justice Katju is belittling SC by saying Self-defence when Dutts already had 3 licences of weapons.
Begum Kaji receives ammunitions twice in 8 days,after checking the bag,both times being told that they will be used in Bombay blasts.Retracted statement when taken under TADA act with due procedure giving 48 hrs of time is still admissible.Justice Katju misleading President and PM by writing "a Prohibited weapon"while Sanjay Dutt kept handgranades which were later barbarically thown on SCHEDULED CASTES of Machhimar colony.If educated men of 34 years could not understand 25 handgranades brought by gangsters to Mumbai and accepts those on phone call by Annes Ibrahim Kaskar,brother of Dawwod,only J Katju can recommend him pardon to become political executive soon.
In case of Bugum Zaibunissa Anwar Kazi,who received handgranades etc with due checking by her twice in 8 days with full declaration of purpose of use in Bombay blasts,Life sentence is a fit case and CBI must be advised to file Curative petition for greater punishment to her.
J Katju is doing OB van politics like Arvind Kejriwal by taking only cases which will bring him media attention.Letters of mine citing relevant confessions recorded in SC Judgments is chosen to be ignored by J Katju.Which is similarly unfortunate as he rushed to appeal to Governor ,who does not have powers in Arms Act.Now writing to President and to feign his ignorance of law sending copies to PM and HM and not to Governor.On lighter note,J Katju is danger to employment of similar politician practicing appeasement like Digvijay Singh.
Letters written to J Katju follow with the request to dismiss him from salaried post for misleading President and PM by selective citations and causing instability in state by belittling SC sitting in salaried position and hurting sentiments of majority community thus demanding the impossible to cause rift between 2 communities.
high regards,
Navien Maxwell
ReplyDelete257 people were reduced to a heap of mangled limbs and charred torsos.
2007-03-24 ,
Maria told Sanjay to tell his father the truth, and Sanjay conceded that he had been in possession of an assault rifle and some ammunition that he had got from Anees Ibrahim. Sunil Dutt wanted to know the reason why. He was not prepared for the answer: “Because I have Muslim blood in my veins. I could not bear what was happening in the city.” A crestfallen Sunil Dutt left the police headquarters. It was a moment almost worse than the shock of the previous day.