Monday, 1 December 2014

High Unpredictable Winds and Misfortunes are in the Sky

High Unpredictable Winds and Misfortunes are in the Sky
  ( old Chinese adage )

Very turbulent times are coming in India, as mentioned in my articles ' The Transitional Era in India ' and ' Sequel to the Transitional Era in India ' ( see on my blog ). I have been saying this repeatedly, not to frighten the Indian people ( whom I love ), but to tell you the truth and reality, so that you get prepared for the days to come.
  Despite all proclamations,G.D.P. growth of the Indian economy in the quarter July-September, 2014 has dropped to 5.3%, as against 5.7% in the quarter April-June. Manufacturing growth has practically come to a grinding halt. It has dropped to 0.1% in the quarter July-September, as compared to 3.5% in April-June.
The reason is obvious : the Indian masses are too poor and have little purchasing power ( see my article ' The World Economic Recession ' on my facebook page, and on my blog ). And unless people have purchasing power the goods manufactured cannot be sold. So the solution is to raise the purchasing power of the masses. To find out how this can be done we have to use our creativity and find solutions.
 Those who say that the Aam Admi Party, or any other political party in india for that matter, can solve India's economic problems, are either living in a fool's paradise, or are deliberately deceiving the people. These parties have no solution to the massive socio-economic problems India is facing.

1 comment:

  1. How to enhance the purchasing power of the masses? Let the profit oriented companies be forced to distribute at least 80% of their profits-after-tax to the employees and share holders as profit-linked-Cash-bonus (PLCB) and profit linked equity bonus (PLEB) in the ratio of 1:1. If the companies do not do that for an year, or do not spend that money for business expansion in the next year, make a provision in the tax laws to levy a penalty in the next year equivalent to the cash profits carried forward to the next financial year which remains unspent. The present laws that allow discretionary powers to the director boards for handling profits need to be amended.
