Saturday, 2 May 2015

Go mata ki jai

Hindus object to slaughter of go mata ( mother cow ). But most of them do not mind if tens of thousands of their mothers ( cows ) starve painfully to death by being driven out after they are old and/or past their milk producing stage, or cannot produce milk for some reason.  They do not mind if their mothers eat filth and garbage, and discarded polythene bags on the roadside, which cause a horribly painful death.That does not bother these lovers of their mothers at all.


  1. It bothers a lot, Mr. Katju. India was full of grazing land before haphazard industrialization. Plastic and polythene bags and filth were not seen strewn everywhere. So much so that touch of plastic was considered unholy and it was forbidden in worship. Religion was a total way of life – Religion which is the feeling of sacredness, of compassion, of love…

    But once the materialism overcast the sense of right and wrong, Indians fell prey to easy lifestyle. They bought pebbles made of glass in exchange of their invaluable pearls of wisdom and spiritualism. At this juncture, when the elite and wise should show the right path to directionless countrymen, it is pathetic to see satirical remarks over country’s long standing belief in sacred cow. We should not declare everything as baseless which we may not understand. We need to widen our understanding and thereby reinforce our strengths. We should not uproot the tree of Indian belief by propounding that for some undesirable situation if we may not care for our mothers, we may kill them. Instead, we should care for our environment and give our cows a liveable condition. Please do not disgrace India by ridding it of its spirituality and faith and by creating confusion and sorrow in society.

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  2. Can we all ask from the animals ( be cow or anything) if they are okay to be slaughtered. Of course, tge answer would be big NO - NO. But if we ask from those animals about the use of their dead bodies post their natural death, then certainly,they will answer " Do what you want to".
    So, its upto our choice now if we eat the meat or use it for any other purpose. But, no body has right to kill animals. Let the animals die naturally and tgen use them as per individuals choice.
