By Justice Markandey Katju
Chairman, Press Council of India
On the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, I wish to issue the
following statement to the Indian Media as well as to the Media of the whole
The concept of freedom of the media (which was at that time only the
print media) arose in England and France in the 17th and 18th
Centuries to combat feudal despotism and feudal ideas. Great writers like
Voltaire who wrote against religious bigotry (see Candide, Zadig, Letters on
England, or Letters philosophiques, etc.), Rousseau, who attacked the feudal
political and economic system (see The Social Contract, Discourse on the Origin
of Inequality etc), Thomas Paine (see The Rights of Man, etc) played a
historical role in helping European society progress from feudalism to the modern
Thus, freedom of the media was meant to benefit society and help it move
forward in history.
Unfortunately, subsequently freedom of the media was used often to (1)
block progress, and (2) to help businessmen make money.
In India the recent tendencies show the media playing such a reactionary
role. Instead of promoting scientific thinking, which alone can solve the
massive problems facing the country such as poverty, unemployment, lack of
healthcare etc. the Indian media often promotes superstitions and other
backward ideas, and often diverts attention of the Indian people from the real
issues which are socio-economic, to non-issues like lives of film stars,
cricket, astrology, etc. The media is often looked upon by its owners as a
means of making money (hence the importance of T.R. P rating).
Freedom of the media is thus a double edged weapon; it can both help
society, and also damage society. It is like a knife, which can be used for
cutting things, and also stabbing people. Hence freedom of the media cannot be
regarded as always good; it depends for what purpose it is being used.
While Article 19(1) (a) of the Indian Constitution grants freedom of
the media, this provision has to be read along with Article 51A (h) which lays down that it is the duty of all
citizens to develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry
and reform.
The mediapersons are also citizens of India, and hence it
is their fundamental duty under the Constitution to promote the scientific
temper and work for humanism and encourage the spirit of inquiry and reform so
as to benefit society. I regret to say that while mediapersons lay great
emphasis on their fundamental right under Article 19 (1) (a), they usually
forget their fundamental duty under Article 51A (h) mentioned above.
The Indian media is no doubt largely controlled by
businessmen who wish to make money. There is nothing wrong in making money but
this must be coupled with social responsibility. The businessmen cannot be
allowed to say that should be permitted to make money even if the rest of
society suffers. Such an attitude will in the long run result in the undoing of
the businessmen themselves. Moreover, the media is not an ordinary business
which deals with commodities, it deals with ideas, which should be used to
benefit people, not harm them.
Today 80% of the Indian people are suffering from massive
poverty, unemployment, skyrocketing prices, huge problems of health, education,
housing etc and evils like honour killing, dowry deaths, farmer’s suicides,
child malnutrition, female foeticide, etc. These problems can only be resolved
by science and scientific thinking which must be spread to every nook and
corner of the country. It is hence the patriotic duty of all Indian citizens,
including media people, to promote scientific temper and combat backward ideas
like casteism, communalism and superstitions. It is regrettably noted that
often the media does not do its duty in this connection, and instead often does
the reverse, and highlights lives of film stars, cricketers, fashion parades,
astrology etc. to divert attention of the people from the real issues facing
the nation which are socio-economic.
Hence, on the occasion of World Press
Freedom Day, I call upon all mediapersons to fulfil their social responsibility
to the nation by promoting scientific and rational thinking and combating backward
ideas. The media has a great role to play in this transitional period through
which India is passing, and I recommend
that the Indian media should emulate the path shown by the great writers in
Europe like Voltaire, Rousseau, Thomas Paine, etc who attacked feudal and
backward ideas in Europe and made a great contribution by helping European
society to move forward from feudalism into the modern age. This way they will
earn the respect of the Indian people.