Someone objected to my last post. This is my response :
If I write against persecution of Muslim minority I am right, but if I write, as Taslima bravely did, against persecution of Hindu minority it is wrong. So she is wajib-al-qatl, isnt she ? Some Indian Muslims are very concerned about persecution of Palestinians or Burmese Muslims. I share their views on this. But is a lock placed on their lips when the tiny Hindu/Christian/Sikh/Ahmadi and larger Shia minority is persecuted in Pakistan ? I do not hear many Muslim voices protesting against this.
My own opinion is that no one, particularly, minorities should be persecuted. Once when I was in Allahabad I told a Muslim friend of mine that whenever there is any atrocity on Muslims Markandey Katju is among the first to speak out against it. But surely Muslims should also speak out against the persecution of Kashmiri Pandits. He said that he will write against persecution of Kashmiri Pandits in a letter to the editor in a local newspaper, but he never did.
Secularism cannot be a one way traffic. It does not mean condemnation of atrocities against Muslims alone. Atrocities on all must be condemned.
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