I have been asked my
opinion about Mr.Modi.Till now I avoided commenting on him since I thought that
my views may be misconstrued as if I wish to influence the Gujarat elections.
Now that the elections are over I may speak out.
The test of every system is whether the standard of living of the masses is rising or not. Modi was no doubt successful in projecting an image of 'Gujarat Shining' under him. But the stark reality is very different.
Apart from what was done to Muslims in 2002, let us consider a few facts.
(1) Child malnutrition at 48 % in Gujarat is higher than the national
average, far higher than the poorest African sub Saharan countries of Somalia
and Ethiopia where the rate is about 33%. When Modi was confronted with this he
said that girls in Gujarat do not eat or drink milk for fear of becoming fat,
the people are vegetarians, etc which is all nonsense. Should the Gujarati
children eat the factories, roads and electricity Modi has created ?
(2) The infant mortality rate in
Gujarat is 48 per thousand, which is the 10th worst in India.
(3) More than a third of Gujarat's adult men have a body mass index of
less than 18.5, the 7th worst in India.
(4) Gujarat has a high maternal
mortality rate.
(5) Education, health and income
levels in Gujarat place it after 8 other Indian states.
(6) rural poverty is 51% in
Gujarat, 57% among STs, 49% among STs, and 42% among OBCs.
No doubt Modi has given huge concessions to big industrial houses, giving them cheap electricity, land, etc and has built roads, etc. But what about the standard of living of the masses ? The figures given above paint a totally different picture.
I am sure the people of Gujarat will one day learn the truth