Wednesday, 15 July 2015

The monsoon session of the Indian Parliament is approaching.

The 'Hon'ble' members of Parliament cannot unite on any issue in the House, except one : condemning me for my 'outrageous' statements, as they did  regarding my statement on Gandhi in March. So may I make a humble suggestion to them.

I have made a large number of 'outrageous' statements over the past few months, on Gandhi ( British agent ), Subhas Chandra Bose ( Japanese agent ), Tagore ( British stooge ), Syed Ahmed Khan and Madan Mohan Malviya, ( both serving British policy of divide and rule, and so British agents ) Amartya Sen ( mediocre, highly overpraised ), beef ban ( stupid, reactionary step for vote bank politics ), The Court of Last Resort being the need of the hour ( thousands of innocents are wrongly in Indian jails ),  Pakistan is a fake country, most politicians in India ( which would obviously include most 'Hon'ble' MPs ) should be shot for having looted the country, etc, etc.

  So in the monsoon session let the 'Hon'ble' MPs decide the agenda beforehand : all the items should be condemning me.

There will be no turmoil,  no jostling and shouting, no rushing to the well of the House, no ten members speaking simultaneously, no disruptions or adjournments by the Chair. No one will be able to criticize the members as being a set of unruly, indisciplined hooligans. Everything will proceed smoothly and unanimously. There will be no complaint that the public money is being wasted.
as no business is transacted in the Houses.

 Everyone will then say, like Mark Antony speaking at Caesar's funeral, " And sure, they are 'Hon'ble' members "