Thursday, 28 March 2024

JNUSU elections 2024

The leftists have swept the polls in the recent elections for the Jawaharlal Nehru University Students Union elections.
This is being hailed as a great victory for the poor people of India.
But going by past experience one can safely predict that after leaving the JNU these 'revolutionaries' who have won the elections will in later life forget all about revolution and the poor people of India, and start thinking of building a career for themselves. Some 'revolutionaries' may end up in Congress, like Kanhaiya Kumar, former President of JNUSU, or like Shehla Rashid, former Vice President, who may join the BJP.
There is a long list of such turncoats who at one time were hero worshipped in JNU when they were students there, and reckoned as rising stars in the red firmament, and therefore the hopes of the poor people, but are today occupying cushy jobs/posts in the civil services, in the corporate world, in academia, in politics, and elsewhere, with fat salaries and perks, in India, or even abroad.
One is reminded of English poet Robert Browning's poem 'The Lost Leader'.

I have always had a poor opinion of Indian Universities, and I particularly regard JNU as a highly overrated.
I was once invited to speak in JNU, but I dont think the newly elected office bearers of JNUSU will invite me. They may fear I will speak about how history shows that most 'leftists' ended up as rightists, in India, and all over the world.

- Justice Katju