Friday 17 October 2014

A Fool's Paradise

Those who talk of  ' improving ' relations between India and Pakistan are living in a fool's paradise.

 The very purpose of creating Pakistan ( which is a fake, artificial entity ), as a theocratic state, on the basis of the bogus and wicked British two nation theory, that Hindus and Muslims are two separate nations, ( propagated by British agents like Jinnah ) was to ensure that Hindus and Muslims keep fighting each other, so that India may not emerge as a modern, powerful and prosperous industrial state, like China, of which it has now all the potential, with its huge pool of engineers, scientists, etc .

 If there are good relations between India and Pakistan, the very basis for Pakistan's existence will disappear.. The only solution to the problem is reunificatioin of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh under a strong, secular government which does not tolerate religious extremism of any kind


  1. Unification looks impossible in present scenario, but no-body knows, if two German nations can unite, then why not India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and even Myanmar can unite.

  2. The root cause of conflict is boarder lines which were never settled.once these are settled rest will fall in line . where is the need of reunion ! Good fences make Good neighbors !

  3. Extending that logic would you not say that Afghanistan, Burma, Bangladesh etc etc are also fake entities?

  4. I see it beyond India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Ideally speaking, I think the whole world should be a one single nation and we should be the world citizens. But this is easy said, than done as there are serious and significant differences between different societies or civilisations. World unity will not happen unless the majorities of all these civilisations develop the ability to reduce the differences to such an extent which is acceptable to most of them. Until then, it may be better that we live in "divided nations" instead of "united world".

  5. I wonder if Jinnaha alone must be blamed for the "wicked theory".
    What about the intransigence of Indian leaders? Nehru for instance was certain that with an unified India, Jinnaha or Ptel may get the crown.

  6. मेरी नजर में भारत और पाकिस्तान के बीच की समस्या दूसरी समस्याओं जैसी नहीं है। यह शुद्ध रूप से एक गम्भीर बीमारी है जो पिछले 66साल से भारत को आथिर्क, राजनीतिक, सांस्कृतिक और सामाजिक रूप से अन्दर ही अन्दर खा रही है। सेकुलर वाद के नीम हकीमों ने इस बीमारी को और भी ज्यादा बढावा दिया है। तेरह सौ साल पहले का मुस्लिम इतिहास हमारे सामने है और किसे पता था कि लूट पाट के ये छिटपुट आक्रमण आखिर कार पाकिस्तान बनवाएंगे, बांग्लादेश को सामने लाएगे और जिस मजहब के नाम पर यह होगा उसे मानने वाले उतने ही लोग बचे हुए शेष भारत में रह जाएगे। मेरा मानना है कि क्या हमें अपने आने वाले कुछ सौ साल का भविष्य पढ़ने का प्रयास नहीं करना चाहिए।??क्योंकि जिन प्रवृत्तियो ने पाकिस्तान को पैदा किया था वह प्रकिया अभी भी जारी है। जो समस्याएं बटवारे से हल नहीं हो पायी तो वह समस्या अब और भी ज्यादा जटिल है और भीतर और बाहर दोनों जगह पर है।
