Sunday, 28 June 2015

Indians are like Hanumanji

In the Ramcharitmanas Tulsidas writes :

 "कहइ रीछपति सुनु हनुमाना। का चुप साधि रहेहु बलवाना।।
पवन तनय बल पवन समाना। बुधि बिबेक बिग्यान निधाना।।
कवन सो काज कठिन जग माहीं। जो नहिं होइ तात तुम्ह पाहीं।।
राम काज लगि तब अवतारा। सुनतहिं भयउ पर्वताकारा।।
कनक बरन तन तेज बिराजा। मानहु अपर गिरिन्ह कर राजा।।
सिंहनाद करि बारहिं बारा। लीलहीं नाषउँ जलनिधि खारा।।
सहित सहाय रावनहि मारी। आनउँ इहाँ त्रिकूट उपारी।।
जामवंत मैं पूँछउँ तोही। उचित सिखावनु दीजहु मोही।।
एतना करहु तात तुम्ह जाई। सीतहि देखि कहहु सुधि आई। "

These are lines from Tulsidas'  Ramcharitmanas. When Lord Rama's army reached the sea, no one apart from Hanumanji had the strength to cross the sea to enquire about Sita's welfare and return. But Hanumanji was sitting alone quietly on a rock. So Jamvantji, the king of the bears ( reechpati ) was deputed to motivate him.
 Hanumanji, though very powerful, had forgotten his prowess, due to the curse of some rishis, whose yagya he had disturbed in his childhood. But the rishis said he will recover his powers if someone reminded him of them.
 The above verses should be read as an allegory. Jamvant is me, and Hanumanji are you Indian people, who have forgotten your powers. So I have come to remind you of them.
In the first two lines Jamvant asks Hanumanji why he is silent ? So also, I ask you people of India, why are you silent when the country is in such distress ?
You have the physical strength of Pavan ( the wind ). A storm or typhoon can smash even  huge trees and buildings. And you have not just physical strength. You are also full of of 'buddhi ( intelligence ), vivek ( discrimination ), and vigyan ( science ). Indians are some of the most intelligent people in this world, who discovered the decimal system, plastic surgery, etc in ancient times, and are manning Silicon Valley and science and mathematics departments in North America in USA in the modern times

 The next couplet states : what is there which you cannot do ? You have come here to do Lord Rama's work. On hearing this, Hanumanji's body started growing, until it became as big as a mountain.
 This should be interpreted to mean : Indian people, you underestimate yourselves. You are unaware of your tremedous potential.

 Just as Hanumanji had been given a curse that he will forget his powers until someone reminded him of them, so also Indian people have forgotten their capabilities and potential ( as they were demoralized by the British who spread the false propaganda that Indians were only a race of fools and savages).

 Now that you are being made aware of your tremendous capabilities, you will rise high in the comity of nations, instead of being humiliated and kicked around.

Hanumanji's body is shining like gold ( kanak means gold, and baran means colour  ), and radiance ( tej ) is coming out from his body ( tan ). The same will happen to India, too, once we attain our full potential and become a highly industrialized, prosperous nation.

 Hanumanji then starts roaring repeatedly like a lion ( singhnad kari barambara ), and says he will swallow up the ocean and cross it. That is what you Indians too will start doing, once you know your tremendous powers.

 However, Hanumanji  also has humility ( which we Indians must always have ). He requests Jamvant to give him proper guidance and advice ( uchit sikhavan deejahi mohi ). So even when he is now aware of his tremendous powers he does not lose his modesty.

 And Jamwantji gives him the correct advice : Hanumanji's task is only to go to Lanka and find out Sitaji's welfare. Rescuing Sitaji is the task of Rama. In other words, one must know one's limits


  1. Respected Sir,
    Please help and guide me with the detailed explanation regarding the diffrence / job functions between a Judge and a Magistrate.
    Also, can a ACJM/CJM, JM can place a plate as JUDGE/NYAYDHEESH on their vehicles? Please guide me. Thanks

      Assalamualaikum wr.wb,saya BPK.KARTA seorang buruh tani di madium jawa timur ingin mengucapkan banyak terimah kasih kepada KI WARSA atas bantuan AKI. kini impian saya selama ini sudah jadi kenyataan dan berkat bantuan KI WARSA pula yang telah memberikan angka gaib hasil ritual beliau kepada saya yaitu 4D dan alhamdulillah telah berhasil memenangkan 5x berturut turut tembus.sekali lagi makasih yaa AKI karna waktu itu saya cuma bermodalkan uang cuma 200 ribu dan akhirnya saya menang.Berkat angka gaib hasil ritual AKI WARSA saya sudah buka usaha matreal di jakarta dan istri saya juga buka butyk baju dimall mangga dua. Kini kehidupan keluarga saya jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,bagi anda yg ingin seperti saya silahkan HUB/SMS AKI WARSA di nomor hpnya di: 0852 4968 9269 dan ramalan AKI WARSA memang memiliki ramalan GAIB” yang dijamin 100% tembus.


      Kami sekeluarga mengucapkan banyak terimakasih
      kepada aki balapati atas bantuannya saya menang togel
      yang 3x nya ,pekerjaan saya sehari-harinya cuma menjual mainan
      yang pendapatannya tidak seberapa,buat biaya anak sekolah aja tidak cukup
      apalagi untuk mencukupi kebutuhan hidup keluarga sehari-harinya….
      suatu hari saya tidak sengaja mendengar pembicaraan teman saya mengenai
      prediksi aki balapati yang katanya bisa mengeluarkan
      angka togel yang di jamin tembus,akhirnya
      saya bertanya kepada teman saya, dan teman saya memberikan nomor aki balapati
      dan saya pun menghubunginya..?? Berkat bantuan aki balapati yang
      telah memberikan anka “GHOIB” nya 4D dan alhamdulillah itu
      ternyata terbukti. lagi…sekarang anak saya bisa lanjut sekolah lagi
      itu semua atas berkat bantuan aki balapati,bagi anda yang penggemar togel
      ingin merubah nasib melalui angka2 goip yang di jamin 100% kemenangan hbg aki balapati
      di nmr;_0_8_5_3_9_2_3_3_2_8_8_8_, ini bukti nyata bukan rekayasa,mana ada
      kemenangan tanpa keberanian dan kejujuran,saatnya kita perlu bukti
      bukan sekedar janji2,hanya aki balapati yang bisa menjamin 100% kesuksesan,anda
      perlu bukti hbg sekarang aki balapati nya,terima kasih

    3. Saya ingin menyampaikan kepada seluruh TKI yang bekerja di negeri orang saya ibu hermawati seorang TKI DI MALAYSIA pengen pulang ke indo tapi gak ada ongkos sempat saya putus asah apalagi dengan keadaan susah gaji suami itupun buat makan sedangkan hutang banyak kebetulan suami saya buka-buka internet mendapatkan nomor MBAH RONO katanya bisa bantu orang melunasi hutang melalui jalan TOGEL dengan keadaan susah jadi saya coba hubungi MBAH RONO dan minta angka bocoran MALAYSIA angka yang di berikan 4D TOTO ternyata betul-betul tembus 100% bagi saudarah-saudara di indo mau di luar negeri apabila punya masalah hutang sudah lama belum lunas jangan putus asah beliau bisa membantu meringankan masalah anda hubungi MBAH RONO di nomor (_085_340_489-469_) ini asli bukan rekayasa atau silahkan buktikan sendiri...

      Saya ingin menyampaikan kepada seluruh TKI yang bekerja di negeri orang saya ibu hermawati seorang TKI DI MALAYSIA pengen pulang ke indo tapi gak ada ongkos sempat saya putus asah apalagi dengan keadaan susah gaji suami itupun buat makan sedangkan hutang banyak kebetulan suami saya buka-buka internet mendapatkan nomor MBAH RONO katanya bisa bantu orang melunasi hutang melalui jalan TOGEL dengan keadaan susah jadi saya coba hubungi MBAH RONO dan minta angka bocoran MALAYSIA angka yang di berikan 4D TOTO ternyata betul-betul tembus 100% bagi saudarah-saudara di indo mau di luar negeri apabila punya masalah hutang sudah lama belum lunas jangan putus asah beliau bisa membantu meringankan masalah anda hubungi MBAH RONO di nomor (_085_340_489-469_) ini asli bukan rekayasa atau silahkan buktikan sendiri

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Justice Katju, there is no doubt that from time to time you say something very inspiring. Thanks.
    I remember you were in news a long time ago for calling Indians stupid, weren't you?

    Actually, this whole philosophy of attributing intelligence/Stupidity to any nation , in my humble opinion, is erroneous. For, first, nations boudaries are volatile, it keeps changing with time. Second, no doubt that we Indians have made great contributions to humanity, but so have other peoples- Arabs, Greeks, etc.Similarly, if there are foolish people in India so are there in other countries.
    Intelligence/ Stupidity are beyond the concept of man-made boundaries- the nations.

  4. India is the only country where the invadors, foreigners with wrong and malafied intentions and others kept on coming and going one by one. They came here, made us slave, remained here, looted us, some of them got mixed with our Indian Vaidik culture and most of them went back. The same process kept on happening. But nothing changed and we all Indian are carrying tge same sort of mentality.
    Small coutries like Nepal managed itself and never went through the rulling of any external forces. There are so many examples apart from Nepal.
    Repeat offenders are called habitual/ criminal by profession, in the same way repeated idiocy and the people who do idiocy should be called IDIOTS & STUPIDS. It depends, how flexible and honest we are while taking a feedback from any intellectual. I still believe in the fact that India is a rich nation with intellectuals. But 50% of Indian population is LEFT / RIGHT THUMB IMPRESSIIN BRAND and most of the idiots are found in India only. We have been witnessing the results of referrendums from time to time. And this is quite evident now that most of the Indians are idiots. Sorry to say but We will have to say for the benefit of India and Indians.

  5. Indians are anything but stand up and revolt against injustice. They are very tolerant by nature. So to expect them to stand up against injustice is asking for the Moon.

  6. It is easy to advise from a foreign land. Where were you before retirement?

    1. He was delivering good n fast justice to people, my friend!
