It is my firm belief that India and Pakistan (and Bangladesh)
must reunite under a strong secular modern minded government which does not
tolerate religious extremism, and crushes it with an iron hand. I know this
will not happen in the near future, because those who divided us will not let us easily reunite. But I am planting a seed
which will grow up into a tree and bear fruit in 15-20 years. It will not bear
fruit immediately, but unless it is planted now, there will be no fruit in the
future.This will require patiently educating the people for a long time about
the truth.
You must be mad at me for calling Pakistan a fake,
artificial country. Let me clarify that I believe that 99% people of all
countries are good, and therefore 99% people of Pakistan ( and India) are good.
I am a disciple of the great philosopher Rousseau who believed that most people
are good. However, most people are also simpletons, and can be befooled and
taken for a ride by wicked people. That is what was done by the British to our
people (see online 'History in the Service of Imperialism' by B.N.Pandey).
There was zero% communalism in 1857, i.e. before the Mutiny, but after the
Mutiny the British decided that the only way to control India was to spread
communal hatred between Hindus and Muslims. This divide and rule policy was
followed relentlessly and systematically by the British after 1857. The British
Collector used to secretly call the Hindu Pandit, give him some money, and ask
him to speak against Muslims, and similarly he would secretly call the Muslim
Maulvi, give him money, and ask him to speak against Hindus. Communal riots
were artificially engineered. This was done year after year, decade after
decade. In 1909 separate electorates were introduced by the Minto-Morley 'Reforms'.
All this resulted in the horrors of Partition (read the stories about Partition
by Manto). Even after 1947 there are wicked people who are spreading
Unless we reunite there will never be peace. The 2
nation theory on the basis of which Pakistan was created is bogus. Whenever I
meet my Pakistani friends I feel no different from them, we speak the same
language, we look like each other, and we share our love for Urdu. How are we
two different nations ? I will never accept this fraud. It was high time
someone had to speak the truth, and it seems it was for me to bell the cat.
Read my article " The Truth about Pakistan "