Thursday, 25 April 2013


Upto 1947 Urdu was the common language of all educated people, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, etc in large parts of urban India. My father, grandfather, etc were all very proficient in Urdu. After 1947 a vicious propaganda was spread by some biased people that Hindi is the language of Hindus and Urdu is the language of Muslims. This way great damage and great injustice was done to Urdu, which was branded as a communal language, when the truth is that it is thoroughly secular.

I have read the poetry of many Indian poets, e.g. Tulsi, Sur, Rahim, Mira, Bhushan, Raskhan, Kabir, Tagore, Subramania Bharti, Ramdas, Habba Khatun,etc. and also the poetry of many foreign languages, e.g. English poets like Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, Byron, Tennyson, T.S.Eliot, etc, American poets like Walt Whitman, Longfellow,Frost,etc, German poets like Heinrich Heine, Rilke, etc Russian poets like Pushkin, Mayakovsky, etc Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, etc.

In my opinion no poetry in the world expresses the voice of the human heart in such a powerful, yet dignified, manner as Urdu poetry does. In that sense I regard Urdu poetry as the greatest poetry in the world. What a tragedy that this great language, which gave birth to such great poetry was sought to be rejected in the land of its own birth by some biased people.

In my own humble way I am trying to revive the glory of Urdu.
Please read my articles 'What is Urdu?' and 'Great Injustice To Urdu In India'.