Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Our National Aim

Before the Industrial Revolution, which started in England around the beginning of the 18th Century, and then spread to France, then Germany, and then all over the world, there were feudal agricultural societies in most parts of the world. In feudal societies the methods and tools of economic production were so backward and primitive that very little wealth could be generated by them. In much of Asia the bullock or buffalo, and in Europe the horse, was used for tilling the land (there were no tractors in those days). Consequently so little wealth was generated by the feudal method of production that only a handful of people (kings, aristocrats, etc) could be rich, while the remaining 99.9% people had to live in abject poverty and ignorance. When the cake is small very few people can eat it.

This situation has drastically changed after the Industrial Revolution. Now a unique situation has developed in world history, and that is that now no one in the world need be poor. This is because modern industry is so powerful and so big that now enough wealth can be created to give everyone in the world a decent life. If society is organized on scientific lines, everyone can get jobs, healthcare, education, housing, etc and no one need be poor.

This being the unique situation which has been created in world history, thanks to the Industrial Revolution, people all over the world are demanding that they be given decent lives. However, the truth is that 75-80% people of the world are still poor.

We may take the case of India.

Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen has termed India a disaster zone in which pockets of California exist amidst a sea of sub-Saharan Africa, where tens of millions of lives are crushed by lack of food, health, education, employment, and justice. Arundhati Roy has said that the upper and middle classes of India are seceding from the rest of the country, " they are fighting for the right to merge with the world's elite somewhere up there in the stratosphere".

This being the frightening scenario, what is the solution ? 

In my opinion it is the people themselves who through their struggles, and using their creativity, must find the solutions to their problems. But the masses need guidance from patriotic intellectuals, because unfortunately the intellectual level of the masses is low. They are mostly steeped in casteism, communalism, superstitions, and backward, feudal ideas and practices, like faith in astrology, 'Babas', etc. Therefore the patriotic section of the Indian intelligensia have a sacred duty to the country in this connection. They must spread scientific and rational thinking among the masses and find solutions to India's massive problems, using their creativity. They must combat casteism, communalism and superstitions. They must guide the masses.

Our national aim must be to make India a highly industrialized, highly prosperous country, with everyone having decent lives.