Monday, 29 July 2013

To The Indian Youth

I read an article in a newspaper recently in which it was said that only the Indian youth can change the country. My own view is as follows :

It is true that generally youth have more idealism than older people, and therefore they can do much for the country. However there are two caveats :

(1) All youth do not have the same thinking. While some have scientific, analytical, modern minds, others are superficial, and some even reactionary. While some are patriotic, others are selfish and think only for themselves. So to lump all youth together in the same category would not be correct.

(2) An old person can be young mentally, and conversely, a physically young person can be old mentally. So it is not just one's physical condition which makes a person young, it has more to do with his mind.

 Indian youth must develop the scientific temper, they must rationally analyse and discuss social and public issues before forming an opinion, which I regret many do not do.

 It is science which is the solution to the country's real problems,massive poverty, unemployment, price rise, corruption, lack of healthcare and good education for the masses, etc. Unless we spread science to every nook and corner of our country and get rid of backward feudal ideas and practices like casteism, communalism and superstitions (like astrology and faith in 'Babas'), we can never solve our massive problems

 By science I do not mean Physics, Chemistry, Biology alone. I mean the entire scientific outlook. By being modern I do not mean wearing a nice shirt or tie or suit, or a pretty sari or jeans or skirt. By being modern I mean developing a modern mind, which means a rational mind, a scientific mind, an analytical mind, a questioning mind.

Our ancestors were great because they questioned everything, like the ancient Greeks (see the works of Aryabhatta, Brahmagupta, Bhaskar, Charak, Sushrut, Panini, Patanjali, etc). These works were all in Sanskrit, and Sanskrit was the language of freethinkers who questioned everything (it was wrongly depicted as a language of rituals and chanting mantras alone).

Today our country is facing massive problems, as mentioned above. Our youth can play a great historical role in solving these problems and making India prosperous with everyone having a decent life, but for that our youth must develop logical, scientific and questioning minds.

 I am confident that they will do their patriotic duty to the country.