A fb comment on my last post, and my response :
Abdul Salam : Katju sab the person who first raised voice about this issue is #Hyderabadi, take u r chudees back.......
Markandey Katju Has Owaisi ever raised his voice protesting against atrocities on Hindus e.g. Kashmiri Pandits, or minorities in Pakistan ? He only protests against atrocities on Muslims in India, obviously with the Muslim vote bank in mind, whereas I protest against atrocities on everyone,'Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, etc, even those in Pakistan, e.g. Ahmedis, Shias, Christians, Hindus, etc.
I am not in politics, so I have no vote bank in mind. I want that no one should be oppressed, and everyone should be allowed to live with dignity and honour, whatever his religion, race, caste, colour, language or region
Choodis will remain with Owaisi until he sits on dharna before the residence of the CM of Telangana demanding that Abdul Qadeer be pardoned. But I know he will not, because he is a dramabaz and ''politisstitute''