Tuesday, 2 June 2015

The Deafening silence of Media and Intellectuals

A fb message and my reply. I have deleted the name of the sender.

Jun 2nd, 1:10am
sir..good morning
sir baat jab haq insaaaf aur barabri ki aajati hai toh apne desh ke logon, buddhi jeevion, media.journalist aur netaon me ek khaaamoshii se kyun ho jaati hai...Haryana ke gaon me musalamanon ke khilaaf jo hua...uska kahin zikr nahi...koi iske upar na bolta hai na likhta hai ??
Aisa kyun sir ??

My Reply:

 It is because the so called 'intellectuals' ( buddhajeevis ) and media are all sold out to the Establishment, which means the unholy alliance and caucus of politicians and big businessmen.

A genuine intellectual is a seeker of truth, but most of the Indian 'intellectuals' are not seekers of truth, but hirelings of the Establishment, and will sing to the tune of their masters.

When I was a Judge of Allahabad High Court I came across many cases of Principals of Colleges who had criminal cases against them for embezzling the building funds, scholarship funds etc. Thus, many of those who should be role models for the youth are thieves. Most Professors are hardly interested in real research or genuine intellectual pursuits which will benefit the country, but amassing wealth by hook or crook.  Are these genuine ' buddha jeevis ' ( intellectuals ) ?

 As regards the media, most media persons know which side their bread is buttered. The well known journalists are getting huge salaries, and have acquired a life style accordingly, i.e. huge houses, huge cars, etc. They dare not risk losing their jobs by offending their corporate masters, as that will result in suddenly lowering their life styles---a thing which would be very painful and uncomfortable to them. So they will not seriously address the real issues facing the nation i.e. massive poverty, unemployment, malnourishment of 50% of our children, lack of healthcare and good education for the masses, farmers suicides, and discrimination against women, minorities, etc ( except paying some lip service ).

They have been directed by their corporate masters to avoid these real issues facing the nation, and instead focus on non issues e.g. lives of film stars (  Aishwarya Bachchan's attending Cannes film festival with her daughter, Kareena Kapoor's visit to the Maldives with her husband, Salman Khan's case, etc ), IPL cricket,  which goes on round the year, because the Indian masses have to be kept perpetually drugged lest the 'sleeping giant' awakes, to use Napoleon's words for China, and creates problems for them , astrology, babas, etc. No wonder the vast majority have shamelessly become 'presstitutes'.

 This is the real reason why 'intellectuals' and media are silent