Jammu & Kashmir Floods –
September 2014
Assessment visit 1st
November – 10th November to
Dr Peter Patel – International Project Director
and Key Recommendations
1.0 People
of 1.1 In this visit a limited assessment could be made from visit to
Recommendation 1: Undertake a full independent review of Business Continuity Plans of the 4
Who was responsible for implementing this plan?
Was the plan deliverable and effective? What functions were affected by the
September 2014 floods and what was
contingency plan to ensure quick
restoration of these functions?
What went right and what went wrong.
How many staff were trained and what resources were in place to
implement the
What lessons can be learnt from this disaster and what steps will be
taken to
mitigate damage in future from similar
Recommendation 2: Serious review should be taken on restoring functionality of the flood spill channel. Visual evidence suggests that this channel and parts of
There is a lot of learning
for Disaster Management Leads from this flood. We are not sure if the following areas (see
below) were taken into consideration and if yes, why were they not
Mitigation or Risk Mitigation
- steps taken to control, reduce adverse effects or prevent a hazard from
causing harm and to reduce risk to a tolerable or acceptable.
There are four types of risk mitigation
strategies that hold unique to Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery.
It’s important to develop a strategy that closely relates to and matches your
regional administration and economic profile.
Risk Acceptance: Risk acceptance may not reduce any effects in
many cases but in all cases will allow an assessment of the risks, potential
harm and damage and enable planning to reduce level of harm, morbidity or
mortality. Natural disasters are those
where we have to accept unpredictable risks, however there should still be a
strategy to mitigate from such disasters.
Total risk acceptance as it is done in commercial world is not an
option for any government or organisation dealing with disaster management.
Risk Avoidance: Opposite of risk acceptance. Actions that
avoids any exposure to the risk whatsoever.
Risk Limitation: Usually
should be used along with risk avoidance and in many cases it is impossible
to have 100% risk avoidance.
Risk Transference: Risk transference is the involvement of handing
risk off to a third party. Usually, a local or state government will use this
strategy by passing transferring the handling of risks to Central government
or a special central unit such as National Disaster Management Centre.
the State or Disaster management leads consider lowering of risks by
considering and learning from past disasters?:
§ Reducing the exposure to that risk.
Like with any major disaster, water and sewerage systems have been badly damaged. To repair and restore these systems will take several months. The first key challenge for survivors is access to clean water, safe food and sanitation. The second key challenge for the survivors is to survive the harsh winter which has started and will last till end of March 2015. We did not find any evidence for a ‘Winter mitigation and crisis management plan.’
While large part of the country recognised and appreciated the role of Army during these floods, many local communities and commentators were critical of the media’s uneven focus, heavy coverage of Army support and not recognising a great job done by the local people. Overall review based on local people’s comments and media reports indicate possibility of deficiency in rescuing many stranded communities, very poor support and absence of effective manpower and appropriate resources for distribution of aid. This does not in anyway reflect truth and reality of the situation. Those who would be affected by such calamities will always find few hours let alone few days wait too long and inadequate. It should be recognised that during such mega disasters, it is difficult to map extent of disaster and support needs of the communities over several thousands of square miles of land in absence of communication networks and immobilised infrastructure.
Recommendation 3: It is important to make clear that this recommendation does not indicate that these steps are not being taken by the State Government. Much of the assessment was limited because of two days of curfew in the region, there by restricting amount of reliable information gathering and evaluation. a) It is recommended that government officials undertake a rapid review of supply of clean water, safe sewerage and removal of garbage, assessment of contamination of water supply from chemicals and hazardous waste. We did not have any access to reports on assessment of chemical contamination. Regular monitoring of water supplies should continue even when earlier testing indicates safe water. It is important to understand that when such disaster occur, water supplies can be contaminated even at later date because of damaged sewerage and subsequent contamination of water because of poor sanitation facilities. Ensure quick repair and restoration of water and sewerage systems and upgrading of the system instead of use of short term ‘bandaid/sticky plaster’ method. b) Much work needs to be done to mitigate increase in morbidity and mortality from cold and freezing temperatures of severe There should be continued needs assessment which could be carried out jointly with NGOs and provision should be made to keep people warm and well with clothing, blankets and nutritious food. The regional commissioner has assured us that large quantities of blankets have been distributed and all the affected communities have adequate supplies. However, anecdotal briefings have suggested that many families who did not stay in camps but went to stay with relatives have not received any aid. |
a) Area flood mapping using GIS and Remote
Sensing will be prepared to make future preparedness plans.
b) Forecast
and warning system using modern scientific know-how will be improved.
c) Proper river bank protection by constructing
embankments and using anti-erosion measures will be taken up on a large scale.
Involvement of PRIs by taking benefit of schemes like MNREGA will be given
d) In flood prone areas, evacuation
capabilities should be enhanced.
e) Construction of residential colonies on
river banks and flood plains will not be allowed. Offenders will be dealt under
number of people is Srinagar and New Delhi I talked to
were clearly not convinced that these policies have either been implemented or
if implemented were effective during the floods of September 2014. Most
people in Srinagar
confirmed that there had been adequate warnings about impending floods. However, most residents chose to ignore these
warnings. We could not establish whether
the whole of region was adequately informed.
There was some confusion between the people providing the warnings and
those receiving the warnings. Most
people I talked to stated that there was absence of clarity regarding which areas
were safe areas, inadequate information on how long and how bad the floods were
going to be and poor support for people to move from their homes to a safer
importantly, we have identified absence Community Disaster Preparedness
Strategy and Management plan. Every
person we talked to in Srinagar or in New Delhi had never heard
of Community Disaster Preparedness and had little understanding of their
(communities) responsibility for disaster preparedness and limiting harm or
damage from such crisis.
NIDM Jammu and Kashmir plan published in 2012
is a good starting document along with the J & K Disaster Management
Policy 2011 document. Both documents show that the officers of the
State have an excellent understanding of Disaster Management. However, there are indications that the
operating structures are ‘silo’ and ‘role’ culture based systems and likely to
fail because of bureaucratic nature of command control, responsibilities of the
nodal officers and compartmentalised structures. It is possible that the challenges faced
during the September floods were as a result of these plans and consideration
should be given to finding an integrated approach (both vertical and horizontal
integration) in future.
is evidence that areas listed in c), d) and e) need strengthening and
Visible evidence around Srinagar
also indicated that a large proportion of housing built in the region which was
badly damage was of very poor standard. Many
new or recently build properties also appeared to be of similar lower
quality. It is no surprise that these
buildings could not withstand the September 2014 floods. Considering the impact of the floods, the
key concern for Disaster Management Authority should be whether these buildings
will be able to survive a moderate earthquake.
should not be taken a blame apportioning but lessons to be learnt.
1. Review information gathering as stated in
a) and b) above and improve planning
for mitigation, improve community communications and effectiveness for
community preparedness.
2. Reconsider logistics and implementation of
purpose stated in d) above.
3. Ensure early implementation of purpose
state in c) and e) above.
4. Strengthen building regulations to ensure
that all new buildings and reconstructions are built to appropriate
specifications to reduce serious damage from floods and earthquakes.
5.00 Review of Health Needs – A
significant part of our assessment and review was facilitated by Mr G H Kaloo,
President of J & K Press Association.
I would like to acknowledge full open and transparent
process of providing information by the Directorate of Health - Kashmir,
extensive discussions with doctors of the Directorate of Health Services,
Kashmir, Mr Rohit Kansal, Div
Commissioner and Dr Saleem-ur-Rehman, Director Health Service Kashmir.
would like to commend the Directorate of Health – Kashmir
for their robust understanding of health needs and public health risks
following major floods. A
Crisis Management Centre was set up at Division of Epidemiology and Public
Health. Evidence was presented through
discussions, documentation and visit to Crisis Management Centre. The Centre was well prepared to gather and
analyse information they were receiving from the region. Team led by
Dr Rehana Kousar along with Dr S M Kadri, Dr Ijtaba Shafi and Dr Rashid
Para shared all requested information on disease monitoring and management of
post-floods immunisation programme.
Displacement related Health Problems:
After any disaster there is significant risk of communicable disease transmission to the displaced population. The risk is higher when large population is affected such as inKashmir floods and
non-availability of safe water, food or sanitation over several days.
Additional risks are associated with nutrition status, age of the population and level of
the level of immunity to vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles and access to healthcare services.
After any disaster there is significant risk of communicable disease transmission to the displaced population. The risk is higher when large population is affected such as in
Additional risks are associated with nutrition status, age of the population and level of
the level of immunity to vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles and access to healthcare services.
Risk Factors for Communicable Disease Transmission.
Effective response to health needs of any disaster affected population requires a robust communicable disease risk assessment. We believe that the Directorate of Health –Kashmir had this in
place. There was evidence that the key
staff in the Directorate had taken into consideration to identify endemic and
epidemic diseases that are common in the affected area. In its post flood support delivery they
had taken into consideration living conditions of the
affected population, including number, size, location, and density of
settlements and availability of safe water and adequate sanitation
facilities. Reports presented by the
Directorate also show that they had taken into consideration degree of access
to healthcare and functionality of healthcare infrastructure under their
Effective response to health needs of any disaster affected population requires a robust communicable disease risk assessment. We believe that the Directorate of Health –
Department was more than adequately prepared for monitoring water-borne
diseases, such as typhoid fever, shigellosis, cholera, leptospirosis and hepatitis
A & E (through jaundice monitoring) and vector-borne diseases, such as
malaria, dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever.
is commendable that the Directorate had also taken into consideration spread of
most flood borne diseases and there was good evidence of mass immunisation
programmes for measles. More than 9.37
lacs of measles vaccinations have been administered in Kashmir
have certainly resulted in power cuts and this would have resulted in affecting
functioning of health facilities.
Consideration should be given to damage to vaccine/drugs cold chain and
any vaccines or drugs affected by this should be destroyed. We understand that the Directorate of Health
has already taken appropriate steps in this area. Furthermore they have also advised people not
to purchase or use medicines affected by floods. Retail pharmacies in the region have been
instructed to destroy all medicines affected by floods.
Most of the data gathered was raw figures of recorded
infections or symptoms from different districts. The information was well mapped. Despite of huge risk factor posed by this
major flood, raw data available on reported and diagnosed infection indicated
no significant increase in enteric/diarrheal diseases or jaundice symptoms as
compared to previous year’s figures.
The medical team attributed this low rate to rapid distribution of over
11 lacs of chlorine tablets, provision
of health education on water and food safety in camps and most affected
regions. The change in weather to lower
temperatures also contributed to reduction and limiting of many traditional
enteric infections. It
was recommended that in future the team should analyse the data on the basis of per 1000 population and also record age of the
patients. This would enable
identification of clusters/pockets of
infection(s) at either camp sites or overcrowded localities where there may
have been breach of sanitation and water or food pollution or rise in acute
respiratory infections. Recording of age
would also enable whether babies/children or old people were mainly affected as
compared to young healthy adults.
diseases: We did not discuss or review other areas of increased
risk of infection of water-borne diseases contracted through direct contact
with polluted waters, such as wound infections, dermatitis, conjunctivitis and
ear, nose and throat infections.
Limitations of resources, diverse provision of health care through
private and public sector, limited access to health care and challenges of recording
and gathering data for all health care needs from a population dispersed over a
large geography is a very complex and difficult task for any developing
Infectious disease risks from dead bodies:
There is always a potential
for spread of infection from dead bodies post disaster. An increase in large number of dead bodies
post any disaster may increase concerns of disease outbreaks. It is important to understand risks of
epidemics as result of dead bodies post disaster. In majority of the cases the deaths post
natural disasters are as a result of trauma or drowning. In such instances, the human remains do not
pose a risk of epidemics. Dead bodies
do pose a risk when the death(s) are as a result of infections such as cholera,
typhoid or haemorrhagic fevers. We do not have accurate figures for number of deaths in Jammu and Kashmir
floods. Media reports indicate over 300
people were dead by mid-September
Dead bodies do pose significant risk to persons who are involved in close contact with the dead. Such personnel in Kashmir
floods could be military personnel, rescue workers, volunteers, health care
workers and others involved in recovery of the bodies and post death funeral
management. These personnel are at risk
of being exposed to chronic infectious agents (Table 1).
Table 1 – Infectious Agents linked to dead bodies
post natural disasters
Campylobacter enteritis
fevers (typhoid and paratyphoid)
Escherichia coli
A & E
Tuberculosis can be acquired if the bacillus
is aerosolized (residual air in lungs exhaled, fluid from lungs spurted up
through nose/ mouth during handling of the corpse).
Exposure to bloodborne viruses occurs due to
direct contact with non-intact skin of blood or body fluid, injury from bone
fragments and needles, or exposure to the mucous membranes from splashing of
blood or body fluid.
Gastrointestinal infections are
more common as dead bodies commonly leak faeces. Transmission occurs via the
faeco-oral route through direct contact with the body and soiled clothes or
contaminated vehicles or equipment. Dead bodies contaminating the water supply
may also cause gastrointestinal infections
WHO Flooding and communicable diseases fact sheet
We were unable to establish whether suitable
precautions for these persons were in place from our discussions or from copies
of reports we received. We recommend that
Disaster Management Plans and Directorate of Health should include mandatory
training in appropriate use of body bags or recovery and storage materials, use
of disposable gloves, good hygiene practice
and vaccination for hepatitis B and tuberculosis. Disposal of bodies should respect local
custom and practice where possible. However, it would be very difficult to
monitor the whole region effectively, as many dead bodies would be handled by
relatives without adequate protection or knowledge and the need for immediate
or early burial because of religious and cultural considerations. Consideration should be given to protecting individuals and volunteers
from mohollas and educating mohalla committees of potential risks posed by dead
bodies. This could form part of
Community Disaster Preparedness education.
booster should be considered for all personnel involved in rescue and those
injured people with open wounds or serious cuts. Director of Health should also consider use
of passive tetanus vaccination for appropriate personnel and wounded
people. The above recommendation does not in any way
imply that this has not been considered or is not in the disaster management
Vaccination against Hepatitis A:
Generally mass immunisation for prevention of Hepatitis
A is not recommended. However, this is a
recommendation only and should be reviewed on the basis of local
situation. All personnel involved in management of drinking water, food chain,
waste management, contaminated water or sewerage management, sewerage should be considered at high-risk and should
be offered hepatitis A vaccination.
Where an outbreak of hepatitis A is confirmed, than hep A immunisation
of all contact is strongly recommended.
Other considerations - Moulds and mildews
did not discuss longer term implications to health resulting from damp
accomodation and its impact. As a result
of rapid change in regional weather there has been very little time for most
buildings to dry. Therefore we
anticipate health problems arising from dampness where there could be heavy
exposure to moulds and mildews. The key
health consideration should be given to those suffering from allergies and
asthma. There is significant risk of contracting
upper respiratory diseases with cold-like symptoms. People affected would present with wheezing
and difficulty in breathing, dizziness, soar throats etc. Babies/infants, children, elderly people, pregnant women and immunocompromised are some
of the groups who are at risk from damp and mould related triggering of health
Other Diseases Associated with Crowding:
In most natural disasters crowding is a key factor for the displaced population. It is not usually the disaster itself but the collateral impact from crowded living created as a result of the disaster which responsible for spread of many communicable diseases.Kashmir floods are no exception to this. Crowding in most conditions is responsible
for the transmission of several communicable diseases. Directorate of Health – Kashmir
has already dealt with managing risks of measles outbreak through mass immunisation programme and other water
borne transmission of infections.
This part of the report will deal with potential of other communicable diseases which are not considered as immediate risk and should be considered as part of on going disease control programmes.
In most natural disasters crowding is a key factor for the displaced population. It is not usually the disaster itself but the collateral impact from crowded living created as a result of the disaster which responsible for spread of many communicable diseases.
This part of the report will deal with potential of other communicable diseases which are not considered as immediate risk and should be considered as part of on going disease control programmes.
A large number of homes were destroyed during
the floods. As a result of change in the
weather conditions majority of the displaced and affected population will not
be able to rebuild their homes this winter.
This has resulted in continued crowded living conditions in temporary
shelters and shared homes with relatives and now provides major challenges for Kashmir healthcare providers.
It is recommended that the Health
Directorate also focuses on spread of respiratory pathogens in post-disaster
settings including those referred to as Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) in
many reports. These would include viral (influenza, RSV,
adenoviruses), bacterial (Strep pneumoniae, pertussis, tuberculosis,
Legionella, Mycoplasma pneumoniae), and diseases transmitted via the
respiratory route (measles, varicella, Neisseria meningitides). C. Sandrock (Infectious Diseases After Natural Disasters. California Preparedness
Education Network. A program of the California Area Health Education
Centers. March 7, 2006.) has
reported an increase in
illnesses after Hurricane Katrina. The
proportion of ARI was 12% four days after the levee overflowed and 20% during
the next four weeks.
Tuberculosis: Most people do
not associate Tuberculosis (TB) with natural disasters. However, this is a misplaced thinking and
there is good evidence that TB does spread among displaced populations. Most infectious disease experts recognize
that because of Inadequate access to healthcare, nutrition deficiency and
overcrowding among refugees has led to in an increased spread of TB within this
group ( Surmieda MR, et al.
Surveillance in evacuation camps after the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo , Philippines .
MMWR. CDC Surveill Summ. 1992;41:963.).
has recorded a four fold increase in TB during the war in Bosnia
and Herzegovina in 1991 and during the civil war and
famine in Somalia
in 1991-92, the incidence of TB increased four-fold. In Somali refugees of 1985, 26% of deaths
were attributable to TB.
Malnutrition, over crowding, poor
monitoring and access to health care some of the factors for transmission, morbidity,
and mortality of TB in displaced peoples. Currently, TB and particularly MDR TB poses
huge health threat in India . The Directorate of Health should pro-actively
consider diagnoses, management and control of TB among the flood affected
community. Ensuring continuity of care
of previously known cases should be a top priority. The second most important priority should be
detection and management of new cases. (Epidemics After Natural Disasters, David M.
Lemonick, MD, FAAEP, FACEP
Based on a presentation at the 2011
AAPS Annual Scientific Meeting, Tysons
Corner , VA , June
Meningitis: It is well recognised that meningococcal meningitides is transmitted from person to person, particularly in
situations of crowding. WHO (2005 &
2006) has reported cases and deaths from meningitis among those displaced in Aceh
and Pakistan . Large outbreaks have not been recently
reported in disaster-affected populations but are well-documented in
populations displaced by conflict.
Prompt response with antimicrobial
prophylaxis, as occurred in Aceh and Pakistan , can interrupt
transmission. Large outbreaks have not been recently reported in
disaster-affected populations but are well-documented in populations displaced
by conflict. Haj immunisation programme may provide protection to those already immunised but
serious consideration should be given to non-immunised population at risk.
Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are a major cause of illness and death among
displaced populations. Elderly population of the age of 65, people with certain long term conditions and children <5 years of age are the risk groups. Some of the factors linked to increased risks of death have been lack of access to health services and availability or affordability of antimicrobial agents for treatment. As already mentioned above that over crowding as result of displacement from floods and severe winter conditions will be a major factor for increase in ARI and deaths this winter. In addition to this, exposure to open-flame cooking and malnutrition, will also contribute to morbidity and mortality from ARI.
displaced populations. Elderly population of the age of 65, people with certain long term conditions and children <5 years of age are the risk groups. Some of the factors linked to increased risks of death have been lack of access to health services and availability or affordability of antimicrobial agents for treatment. As already mentioned above that over crowding as result of displacement from floods and severe winter conditions will be a major factor for increase in ARI and deaths this winter. In addition to this, exposure to open-flame cooking and malnutrition, will also contribute to morbidity and mortality from ARI.
Evidence of Disaster Related ARI deaths:
In 2004 tsunami, ARI was responsible for most of the deaths among
survivors of Aceh. A four
fold increase in the incidence of ARI was recorded in Nicaragua in
the month following Hurricane Mitch in 1998.
It may be difficult for any health
service to consider management and preparation for all documented ARI. It is recommended that plans should be drawn
up to reduce impact from seasonal influenza and Streptococcal pneumoniae in high risk population. Serious consideration should be given to
rehabilitation programmes and community based initiatives for ‘keeping
well-keeping warm.’
Polio: While India has been declared polio free,
continued efforts should be made to provide polio immunisations. Pakistan is one of the three
countries where polio is still endemic. Because of close proximity of Kashmir region
with Pakistan
and challenges from flood displacement, polio monitoring and immunisations
should continued in robust manner.
Mental Health:
All disasters will cause both emotional and
physical trauma. Most health systems of
developing countries are poorly prepared for managing mental health problems of
the displaced population as a direct result of stress, fatigue and poor living
reports attribute a major health hazard of floods to mental stress or
psychological distress due to exposure to extreme disaster events. People who have experienced devastating
floods will have seen loss or injury to their families, destruction of their
homes and business, loss of employment and economic stability, and exacerbation
of personal health problems. It is
recognised the floods pose long-term psychological impact on the victims. In developing countries most people do not
have insurance or savings to repair their homes, restart their business
resulting in mental trauma and psychological challenges. Post-flood recovery in Kashmir
is going to be prolonged. Common
mental disorders will be anger because of delayed or poor support from the
system for rebuilding their lives, anxiety about managing and supporting family
and finance, depression in many cases, hopelessness and lethargy, sleep
deprivation and hyperactivity. Little
attention is paid to behaviour changes in children and female family members.
management plan should consider providing appropriate support to manage mental
health of the affected population through the health system by provision of
mental health counsellors, emotional support through community networks
mohallas and trained volunteers from NGOs.
In severe cases, access to expert Psychological Services should be
available. Local authorities should
consider community assurance programmes to the victims who would be worried
about future floods. Rapid
rehabilitation and reconstruction programmes, support for clean-up and
employment generation could be enabling factors for reduction in anxiety and
depression. Some experts also identify
increase in exacerbations in people suffering from hypertension and
cardiovascular diseases as a result of increased in stress post flooding.
1. Focus should be on managing the health needs of
the surviving disaster-affected populations.
2. Keep infectious disease control programme
active and effective.
3. Continue to provide public health education
and support for the affected community and improve provision of water
treatment and sanitation.
4. Prepare and implement a robust winter
pressure plan to manage many of the post disaster health problems with focus
on reduction of morbidity and mortality.
5. Assure access to primary healthcare
services and continue surveillance of communicable diseases.
6. Provision of a robust and effective mental
health support system.
Proposed Action |
Lead Person(s)
Responsible |
Pilot project
for managing seasonal influenza and pneumococcal infections in affected
communities. It is proposed to pilot immunisation of upto 1000 at risk people for seasonal influenza and pneumococcal (Streptococcus pneumoniae) as soon as possible this winter. The project should be undertaken in partnership with Directorate of Health – Funding will be raised by Justice Markandey Katju and Mr G H Kaloo. Action: Directorate of Health to provide information on current market cost of the above vaccines and review its capacity and ability to deliver the project in or around |
Dr Rehana Kousar and team members. NGO lead: Mr G H Kaloo. Dr Peter Patel to advice on planning and KPI. |
Support programme – ‘Keeping Warm – Keeping Well’ for winter ending March 2015. Action: Survey the needs for blankets, food and warm clothes for the affected community. It is proposed that Mr G H Kaloo and local NGOs will carry out needs assessment for the above. Based on the needs assessment and prioritisation, Justice Katju will appeal for funds for purchase of appropriate goods and support and Mr G H Kaloo with the support of local NGO volunteers distribute the aid to the displaced community. NGO volunteers will measure impact of the support at the end of March 2015 by surveys and face to face interviews of the beneficiaries. |
Mr G H Kaloo to work with NGOs and Directorate of Health and Mr Katju. |
Disaster Preparedness Training Centre & Course The key weakness identified from Kashnir 2014 floods disaster was absence of community preparedness for floods and understanding their responsibilities following disaster warnings. It is proposed to start a ‘Community Disaster Preparedness Course’ for disaster mitigation. The project will aim to establish a regional Training Centre with focus on training the trainers in the first instance. The trainers then will systematically train the communities at risk. Action: Outline plan for the course material to be provided by end of Feb. 2015 by P Patel. Mr G H Kaloo to work with local NGOs and State Disaster Management Team to agree to joint working. It is proposed to train 1. Around 50 trainers by end of September 2015 2. Trainers to train 25 communities and carry out evaluation of training through agreed KPIs. |
Dr Peter Patel Course lead
Mr G H Kaloo – Regional NGO lead.
Faculty of
Disaster Medicine 1. It has been agreed that Directorate of Health will establish a training Faculty for Disaster Medicine for Action: 2. Disaster Management Training Resulting from visit to RIHFW Dhobiwan, a request was made for Disaster Management Trainers. Peter Patel agreed to provide a group of trainers in 2015 as part of development the Faculty for Disaster Management. Action: P Patel to liaise with team from Dhobiwan Centre to develop the programme. Dr Peter Patel to provide pocket book for BLS ‘aid memoire’ prepared for |
Dr Peter Patel Justice M Katju Dr Naresh Trehane – Medanta, Dr Yatin Mehta – Medanta, Dr Rehana Kousar and team, Srinagar Dr Peter Patel for ‘Saving Lives’ Lead from Dhobiwan to be agreed. |
Provision of Community A brief meeting was held with Dr Ludana, Clinical Lead of regional NGO. The lead and the NGO were recommended by Mr G S Kaloo and Dr Rehana Kousar. It was agreed that Dr Ludana will make a business case for need of a mobile Clinic for provision of urgent care, field screening service and health education of people living in remote communities. It was agreed that the project will work in partnership with the local health services. Action: Dr Peter Patel to evaluate the business case. Subject to approval by ‘Saving Lives’ advisors and establishing local needs, PP to raise funds for provision of a 4 x 4 off road vehicle for use as Community Mobile Clinic. |
Dr Ludana G H Kaloo Justice M Katju Dr Rehana Kausar for the Directorate. |
Next Steps
Proposed Action |
Lead Person(s)
Responsible |
Actions for |
Asif Azmi
Justice M Katju
Mr G H Kaloo
Dr Peter Patel
Faculty for Disaster Medicine –
New Delhi
Faculty to be lead for all future faculties in the north of
Justice M Katju
and Dr Naresh Trehan from
Medanta-Medicity have been invited to become trustees of ‘Saving Lives –
Peter Patel and
Pune founder team have been informed and all
founder team members have welcomed the proposal. Dr Yateen Mehta has been appointed by
Medanta-Medicity to lead on the project.
Actions: Dr Peter Patel to provide a briefing paper
for Justice Katju and Asif Azmi. Dr Peter
Patel to provide details of the proposed launch of the Faculty in Pune on
20-22 March 2015. Final plan to be
agreed with Pune Management team by 15th December and circulated
to all other partners.
Invitation to
potential delegates for launch programme to go out by 10th January
2015. Invitation to go to Dr Pawar Vats – Public Health for Food Safety,
Invitation to
go to Mrs Vats – Public Health Lead, Edinburgh. Prof
Keith Porter,
Peter Patel |