Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Indian Democracy

I am a modernist who relies on science and reason, and believes that all religions are superstitions. I believe that the spirit of scientific enquiry is necessary for civilization to sustain itself.
 I have no faith in the vulgar democracy presently prevailing in India, which largely runs on the basis of caste and religious vote banks.

 Presently over 80%, if not 90% Hindus, and the same number of Muslims in India, are communal and/or casteist. Religious fundamentalism runs deep among most Hindus and most Muslims, as is evident from the fierce, irrational, and often abusive, reactions to my comments on beef and burqa.
Can these idiots, who are mostly highly superstitious fools, having deep faith in astrology and other such humbug, and largely unscientific mindsets, be trusted to govern themselves ?

Democracy requires an enlightened citizenry, which is capable of forming and holding rational opinions. Does this exist in India ?

 That is why most of our political leaders today, including many in Parliament, whom our stupid people have themselves elected, are rogues, rascals, crooks, looters and gangsters, many of them having.criminal antecedents, who should have been hanged from the nearest lamp post long ago.