See one consequence of the ban. Many people in India do not think rationally but emotionally.India will never progress unless people start thinking rationally. Saying that cow is a mother is nonsense and humbug . How can an animal be a mother of a human being ?
I have eaten beef, and will again eat it when the occasion arises. Ordinarily I do not eat it out of respect for the feelings of my wife and other relatives, who are mostly conservative Hindus, but I see nothing wrong in eating beef. Most of the world eats beef. Are they all sinners ?
Though an atheist, I am a stauncher Hindu than these feudal minded idiots who abused me. I have deeply studied Hindu philosophy and Sanskrit texts, and am very conversant with the great Hindu intellectualism, and indeed am a part of it and have contributed to it ( See my article ' Sanskrit as a language of Science' online and on my blog and my book on Mimansa ).My critics probably know nothing of the great Hindu intellectualism, and know only how to utter filthy abuses