Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Let me make some things very clear

Let me make some things very clear. I am quite intolerant of what i regard as nonsense, stupidity, feudal and backward ideas.
Hence the following persons are requested to unfollow me and go to some other page where they feel comfortable. If they comment on my page they will be immediately thrown out by being blocked :
1. Those who support the caste system
2. Those who regard dalits as inferior.
3. Those who are against Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, who is one of my heroes.
4. Those who are in favour of feudal, backward practices like  oral talaq and burqa

 So if you fall in any of the above categories, my request to you is to unfollow me and get out of my facebook page. I have had enough of idiots and will not tolerate them any more.