Ever since one political leader propagated the bogus two nation theory which led to a historical swindle, the creation of a fake and artificial country called Pakistan in 1947, and much later another gave the slogan ' Garibi Hatao ' , which brought her to power which she used ruthlessly to impose a fake 'Emergency ' to protect her position, another who spoke of 'Vikaas ' to which the Indian youth in particular were attracted in hordes as it created the illusion that they would now all get jobs,and now the latest one who waxes eloquently about abolishing corruption as if he has a magic wand, most Indians have been duped, defrauded and taken for a ride since even before 1947 by the illusions created by such politicians. They can be called Sapnon ke Saudagar ( by which name a film has indeed been made ).
It is only after many years of suffering that Indians wake up and see through the Sapnon ka Saudagar, but then they are mesmerized by another. In other words, from out of the frying pan into the fire.
To avoid this Indians must learn to think rationally, and not be emotionally carried away by slogans and dreams. Since most of our problems are socio-economic, they must coolly ask what is the scientific plan of such political leaders or political parties for solving the country's massive problems of poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, healthcare, etc. They must not be satisfied by slogans or generalities, but must insist on details.
Unless they do so they will continue being taken for a ride