I am spending several hours, sometimes the whole day in putting up these posts on facebook. Why ? Of course, because I enjoy it, but even more because I feel a heavy sense of responsibility to my country.
We are presently in a terrible condition, and we must transform India, which is presently a poor country with its masses suffering from massive unemployment, malnutrition, price rise, lack of healthcare and good education for the masses, into a modern, powerful, highly industrialized country, with its people prosperous and enjoying a high standard of living.
You people who follow me are intellectuals, and intellectuals have to give leadership to the country to attain this objective. Intellectuals are the eyes of a nation, and without them the nation is blind.
But how can you give leadership to the nation unless your own ideas are correct and clear ? I regret to say that presently the ideas of most intellectuals in India are incorrect and muddled. You may be highly specialized in your own particular fields, but when it comes to Rashtriya Nirman Shastra, or the Science of National Construction ( read my article ' Rashtriya Nirman Shastra on fb or on my blog justicekatju.blogspot.in ) you are mostly a big zero. Pardon me for putting things so bluntly, but this is too critical a period in our country's history to indulge in and have the luxury of pleasant talk.
Unfortunately there was brainwashing of intellectuals with false ideas by the British rulers and their agents, and even after Independence by most of our politicians, academicians, babas, and others. The result has been the totally confused minds full of incorrect ideas of intellectuals who should be showing the correct path and giving leadership and guidance to the country, but instead themselves require to be educated.
So I am patiently and steadily educating you, so that in turn you may educate the masses in India.
I am in a position to do so because I have put in a tremendous amount of effort in studying, learning, reflecting, discussions,etc for over half a century. I do not claim that all my ideas are correct. Some of them may be wrong. But the vast majority will be found to be correct, if not today, certainly in the future.
Some of my ideas are really the ideas of others, e.g. my teacher Rousseau's idea that men are basically good by nature. I realized the truth of this idea by my own experience in life. To my mind It followed logically from this that 99% Hindus, Muslims etc and even Pakistanis are good by nature.
But other ideas are my own creation, reached after decades of thinking, study, discussions with
others, etc.
Some of my original ideas are
(1) India is broadly a country of immigrants, like North America ( see my blog ' What is India ' )
(2) Pakistan is a fake, artificial country, created on the basis of the bogus two nation theory propagated by the British Imperialists and their agents like Jinnah and will one day reunite with India under a strong secular modern minded government which will not tolerate religious extremism ( see ' The Truth about Pakistan ' and other articles )
(3) India is in a transition period in its history, and therefore the next 15-20 years are going to be very painful and turbulent
(4) Science is the only means of solving the country's problems
Some of my ideas shocked people initiially, but now after deeper reflection more and more people are accepting them as they realize that what I said was correct.
At this critical stage in our country's history, when everything appears confused and directionless, correct ideas have become extremely important. You intellectuals must have correct ideas, so that in turn you can supply these correct ideas to the masses and give them leadership.
No doubt the great historical struggles have to be done by the masses themselves who have to make great sacrifices, but the masses must have leadership, and this is where your role comes in. And this is where my role comes in too