Bol ki lab azad hain tere
Many relatives and friends of mine have expressed their concern about my personal security when I return to India in view of the various statements I have made about Gandhi, beef ban, burqa, Indian politicians ( whom I have called politisstitutes ), RSS, etc.
Why have I been making these statements ? I have no desire to be a hero or be bumped off or become another M.F.Husain, and i knew the risks involved in what I was doing.
But I have a duty to my country.
I saw my country going to dogs, and everyone was turning a blind eye to this.
Our politicians, who should be behaving like role models and giving correct guidance to the nation had become almost entirely a bunch of rogues, rascals and shameless and incorrigible looters, who had pilfered not crores but hundreds of crores of the nation's wealth and secretly transferred it to foreign secret havens.
I saw 75-80% of my people living in horrible poverty, with massive unemployment, malnourishment, lack of healthcare and good education, discrimination against women, minorities, dalits, etc
I saw the 'intellectuals', the educated class of teachers and professionals, who are normally the eyes of society, to be an almost totally bunch of selfish comfort loving class who will not do anything to put at risk their cushy lifestyles, and who have become commercialized.
Should nobody speak out for India ?
Well, I am going to speak out for my country. Others may be deaf and dumb but I am not.
I was told by many to be restrained in my utterances. I think it is this 'restraint' which has resulted in the sorry plight in which India finds itself today. Everybody in India practices restraint, which means : make money, and to hell with the country.
Well, this humble self will not practice restraint.
Bol ki lab azad hain tere, bol zubaan ab tak teri hai
Many relatives and friends of mine have expressed their concern about my personal security when I return to India in view of the various statements I have made about Gandhi, beef ban, burqa, Indian politicians ( whom I have called politisstitutes ), RSS, etc.
Why have I been making these statements ? I have no desire to be a hero or be bumped off or become another M.F.Husain, and i knew the risks involved in what I was doing.
But I have a duty to my country.
I saw my country going to dogs, and everyone was turning a blind eye to this.
Our politicians, who should be behaving like role models and giving correct guidance to the nation had become almost entirely a bunch of rogues, rascals and shameless and incorrigible looters, who had pilfered not crores but hundreds of crores of the nation's wealth and secretly transferred it to foreign secret havens.
I saw 75-80% of my people living in horrible poverty, with massive unemployment, malnourishment, lack of healthcare and good education, discrimination against women, minorities, dalits, etc
I saw the 'intellectuals', the educated class of teachers and professionals, who are normally the eyes of society, to be an almost totally bunch of selfish comfort loving class who will not do anything to put at risk their cushy lifestyles, and who have become commercialized.
Should nobody speak out for India ?
Well, I am going to speak out for my country. Others may be deaf and dumb but I am not.
I was told by many to be restrained in my utterances. I think it is this 'restraint' which has resulted in the sorry plight in which India finds itself today. Everybody in India practices restraint, which means : make money, and to hell with the country.
Well, this humble self will not practice restraint.
Bol ki lab azad hain tere, bol zubaan ab tak teri hai