Monday, 8 June 2015

Appeal to Telengana Chief Minister : Release Abdul Qadir

 I appeal to all Hyderabadis, including Shri Zahid Ali Khan, Editor, Siasat, to hold peaceful rallies, meetings and processions demanding his release. People of all communities, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, etc should join in them. Banners should read " Appeal of Justice Katju : Release Abdul Qadir ". I particularly appeal to the youth of Hyderabad and Telengana, of all communities, in this connection.
 I had earlier appealed to Shri Kiran Reddy, the then Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, as this video shows, but my appeal fell on deaf ears. Let us see whether KCR is more humane.
If he releases Abdul Qadir I will appeal to all people in Telengana, whether Hindus, Muslims or any other community, to vote for his party