Monday 19 January 2015

Rank Opportunism

In an earlier post I had said that I was told by someone once that if you do not have anything good to say about someone do not say anything at all. And I added that in fact I have nothing at all to say about Kiran Bedi.
 I would have left it at that, but what has impelled me now to be more explicit  is a statement of Kiran Bedi which really takes the cake.
She has said that " the world's most beautiful face is of Narendra Modi ".
 Well, one is entitled to one's opinion. But what is one to say of a person who thought earlier during the India Against Corruption movement of Anna Hazare that the most beautiful face in the world is of Anna Hazare ( not exactly in those words, but the purport was the same ), and who called all political parties, including the BJP corrupt ?
 Kiran Bedi had strongly criticized Modi several times. Thus, she once tweeted " One day Namo will have to respond with clarity about the Gujrat massacres, despite the Court's clearance so far ". What has Bedi to say about this now ?
 When Kejriwal wanted to step into politics and create the Aam Admi Party, Bedi was vehemently opposed to it, and said she would never enter into politics. But now she has suddenly plunged into politics when the BJP has apparently promised her a high position.
 No wonder Anna is refusing to take her telephone calls ( see Express Online of today, 19.1.2015, and The Hindu, page 10 ). It is reported that Anna has told his assistants not to take her calls as he did not wish to talk with her ( Express Online of today ).
 Is this not crass, downright opportunism on your part Ms. Bedi ?


  1. politics has got a suitable synonym: opportunism

  2. I have some other views on the topic:
    "राजनीति पर अपनी इजारेदारी बनाये बैठें लोगों को लगता है कि यदि देश की युवा आबादी को राजनीतिक रूप से उदासीन और अशिक्षित कर दिया जायेगा तो वे बेरोजगार होकर काम की तलाश में भटकते रहेंगे, या किसी कारखाने में या किसी आफिस में किसी भी शर्त पर काम करने लगेंगे और कुछ मुठ्ठीभर देशी विदेशी पूँजीवादी-सम्राज्यवादी मुनाफाख़ोरों को देश की प्राकृतिक तथा मानव सम्पदा को खुले आम लूटते हुये देखते रहेंगे। एक सीमा तक वर्तमान प्रचार तन्त्र मज़दूरों और नौजवानों के बीच लम्पट और कूपमण्डूक संस्कृति के माध्यम से ऐसा करने में सफल भी हो रहा है। राजनीति में हिस्सा लेने के नाम पर कुछ राजनीतिक पार्टियॉ “मिस-कॉल” करके सदस्यता दे रही हैं, लेकिन मिस-काल करके समाज के भविष्य का ठेका किसी और को दे देना राजनीति नहीं हैं, बल्कि देश की मेहनतकश जनता के साथ एक मजाक है। इन सच्चाईयों के बीच भी यह सम्भव नहीं है कि देश की व्यापक आबादी को उसकी अपनी बदहाली के वास्तविक कारण के बारे में हमेशा के लिये अंधेरे में धकेले रखा जये। पूँजीवाद के रहते जहाँ श्रम शक्ति एक माल हो, और जहाँ इंसान को बाजार में बिकने वाले माल में तब्दील कर दिया गया हो वहाँ छात्रों और मज़दूरों को राजनीतिक रूप से अशिक्षित बनाकर सिर झुकाकर काम करने वाली भेंड़ों में तब्दील करके नहीं रखा जा सकता। आने वाले समय में शोषक सम्बन्धों के कारण पैदा हुईं जीवन की बदतर परिस्थितियाँ बार-बार मज़दूरों, किसानों और नौजवानों को अपने अधिकारों के बारे में जानकारी हासिल करने के साथ संघर्षों के इतिहास को समझते हुए मुनाफ़ा-केन्द्रित पूँजीवादी व्यवस्था और समाज में व्याप्त दरियाकनूशी मान्यताओं और प्रचलनों को बदलने के लिये खुद आगे आने और व्यापक स्तर पर हर प्रकार के शोषण के विरुद्ध संगठित होने का आह्वान करती रहेंगी। और जैसा कि कई मज़दूर नेताओं ने कहा था, कि यह संघर्ष तब तक जारी रहेंगे जब तक शोषक सम्बन्धों को पूर्ण उन्मूलन नहीं हो जाता।"

  3. One wonders what is opportunism? That which happens at high positions of power and perhaps appears explicitly in media? Maybe that is what you point at.
    What doesn't appear in media perhaps the less significant cases will be called tactics and not opportunism.
    I think what you are suggesting is a black and white picture of absolute integrity v/s downright opportunism. How can you possibly talk about such idealistic notions?

    In contemporary politics where identity, populism, appeasement, compromise, cronyism, dynastic nepotism and their likes are commonplace, one should think from a very realistic point of view and focus on THE most important thing that lies beyond abstract concepts: Delivery.

    Dr. Radhakrishnan said: "Poor people who wander about, find no work, no wages, starve... poverty, cannot be proud of the constitution or its law."
    Point being, if you can deliver, implement and bring positive results, then you are welcome.

  4. Dr Bedi had always been opportunist (not corrupt), when things don't come her way then she shouts and screams(be it in service or now). I would love to see a person who can work with her for 6 months.
