This may be treated as a continuation of my previous post.
I could not contact Kashmiris I know who are living in Kashmir, as the telephone link to Kashmir has been cut off. I spoke to some Kashmiris in Delhi regarding the calamity in J&K, e.g. Mr. Iftikhar Gilani, ( mobile 9891209932) who works for DNA in Delhi. I also spoke to Mr. Salman Soz, son of Mr. Saifuddin Soz ( mobile 09419072000) who is presently in Delhi, and who was sent by the J&K government from Kashmir for getting help, and Naeema ( mobile 09419021682) of PDP party, who is presently in Delhi and is staying in J&K House.
I was informed that the conditions in Kashmir have worsened, and now northern Kashmir is also in danger. Srinagar, of, course has turned into a lake. This is perhaps the worst natural calamity in Kashmir in a century.
Some of the things urgently required are :
(1) Additional boats and life jackets. This is the most urgent requirement, as there is great shortage of them in Kashmir. If they are motor boats, experts who can operate them should also be sent ( it is no use sending motor boats without such experts), If they are rubber boats, no experts are required, as there are many people in Kashmir who can operate them. Coastal states of India, in particular would be having many such motor or rubber boats, and they should send them quickly as there is dire need of them. They can be given to the army at the local army centre, and the army will despatch them to Kashmir. Foreign countries can also send them. Without them, more people will die.
(2) Clean water, as the water in Kashmir may be polluted. For this purifying tablets are also required on a large scale
(3) Some means of preventing water borne diseases is needed
4) Food
Different agencies are working very hard in this matter. But there is lack of co-ordination between them. There is urgent need of a central co-ordination body for the relief work. It is learnt that the state government of J&K is likely to set up such an agency by tomorrow.
I requested Mr Iftikhar Gilani, who works for DNA in Delhi, to somehow contact authorities in Kashmir,and ask them what help was required. With great difficulty he could contact the Chief Secretary, J&K , but the line was cut off mid conversation, and could not be resumed as the telephone link had been cut off.
The Chief Secretary told him that at present only rescue work is being done, and not relief or rehabilitation work, which will be done later. The Chief Secretary informed him of the urgent need of boats and life jackets, which could be given to the local army centres, which will despatch them to Kashmir.
As regards my request for information as to where and in what manner people can donate, the Chief Secretary said that within a day a nodal agency will be established for this purpose in Delhi, and it will be publicized in the media where and how it can be contacted.
When I get further information I will post it.