Thursday, 21 May 2015


This is a message I received on fb, and my reply ( I have deleted the name of the sender ):

May 20th, 6:22pm

 I am a dalit. I understand you are very well aware of our history, social structure and the atrocities  society did to my community. My question is : are you against dalit reservation...if so, is there any assurance that this caste prejudiced society will not keep us downtrodden forever saying that they we are not fit enough for job/college admission ?

Markandey Katju

May 20th, 6:29pm

I am against reservations, but believe that dalits and poor people of all castes should be helped financially and given special facilities.

It is true that dalits ( like blacks in America ) have been historically oppressed and humiliated. But now the time has come when they must stop crying about this like babies, and stand up like real men, and prove to the bigoted 'upper castes'  and whites that dalits ( and blacks ) are intellectually their equals.  For doing this, dalits ( and blacks ) must win Noble Prizes in physics, chemistry and medicine, and similar prizes in mathematics, genetic engineering, and other intellectual fields. And for this they must study and work doubly hard, despite all their handicaps