2.9.2014, 6 p.m.
I was watching a panel discussion on a T.V. channel just now. Out of the 6 panelists, often 4 persons were speaking at the same time, some shouting at the top of his/her voice. How can anybody be heard in this situation ? Should there not be some discipline on these channels ?
I think that the anchor should tell the panelists before the discussion begins that they could speak only when the anchor permits, and when the anchor tells him/her to stop, the person must stop. If the person does not stop his/her voice should be made silent.
If anyone wants to speak he/she should raise his/her finger, and only when the anchor permits should the panelist speak. At one time only one person should speak, otherwise nobody will be heard. We should see the B.B.C. panel discussions, which are carried on in a highly disciplined manner.