Friday, 15 May 2015

Dattu's assets

In  my posts regarding Justice Dattu some people have commented that Dattu may have acquired the large number of properties he and his family have through his earnings as a lawyer before he became a High Court Judge, and/or through his earnings as a Judge, or they may have been acquired by sale of his ancestral wealth.

 In my opinion it is for Dattu, not these people who purport to speak on his behalf, to explain how he and his family acquired this huge wealth. Let him come clean, if he really is clean.

 Apart from that, it may be mentioned that Supreme Court Judges have to disclose their assets, as well as the assets of their wives and children, and these are placed on the Supreme Court website. If I am not mistaken, Dattu has not disclosed most of these assets, including the palatial house in Bangalore.