This comment has been made on my previous post :
" Sir what is your opinion on currently residing Muslims and Christians in India ? Were their ancestors not Hindus by birth and were not they converted to Islam or Christianity by force ? "
This is my answer :
Only about 5% Muslims and Christians would be having ancestors who were forcibly converted. The remaining 95% were mostly belonging to the depressed classes like the dalits, who were treated so inhumanly by the upper castes that they voluntarily became Muslim or Christian to get social emancipation.
If I were a dalit and treated like a dog by upper castes I would prefer to become a Muslim or Christian, because in those religions I am at least treated as a human being. So the ancestors of the majority of today's Muslims and Christians got converted voluntarily, not forcibly, to get social emancipation. Only a minority were forcibly converted.
In places where caste oppression was more terrible, e.g. Bengal ( see the novels and stories of the great Bengali writer Sharad Chandra Chattopadhyaya ) there were more conversions.