Wednesday, 13 May 2015

The fake

When I called Modi a fake Sapnon ka Saudagar, whose slogan of 'vikas' was empty gas, before the May, 2014 Lok Sabha elections a barrage of invective and abuses was hurled at me by his blind ( or hired ) supporters in the social media and elsewhere, both in India and by NRIs living abroad.. It appeared to me at that time that it was impossible to.discuss Modi rationally with people, just as it was impossible to discuss Hitler rationally with most Germans in the 1930s. The slightest criticism of Modi would invite furious abuses and vituperations on the critic by his hirelings or blind supporters.

 Now this fake has been totally exposed. The only persons who have had 'vikas' are his business cronies who have made huge amounts of money, but the youth, who imagined that 'vikas' meant creation of millions of jobs, and therefore voted for him en masse, have been left in the lurch.

 Namah Shivaya Namah Shivaya