I can demonstrate that at least 60% Muslims oppose the Muslim Personal Law ( Shariat )
About 50% Muslims are women. Almost all of them are opposed to shariat. Which woman would like a damocles sword of 'talaq, talaq, talaq' ( or any other form of oral talaq ) hanging over her head ? I have personally spoken to many Muslim women, and everyone of them was strongly critical of shariat ( though many said to me that they could not say so openly for fear of offending their husbands ).
Of the remaining 50% Muslims ( the males ), at least 10% are critical of the shariat. Can any just, modern minded and fair person support such a barbaric law which prescribes stoning to death ( as was done recently in Somalia ) for adultery, or cutting off a thief's limbs ? I refuse to believe that there are no just, modern minded and fair males in the Muslim community ( even if they be in the minority ).
That proves my figure of at least 60%, and I am sure in the future it will go upto 90%