Thursday, 5 February 2015

The Delhi Elections

I strongly recommend all Delhi voters to vote for the Aam Admi Party in the coming elections for the Delhi Assembly.

Before I give my reasons, I wish to make one thing clear, and this clarification is necessary because some people commented on some of my previous posts asking how much has been given or offered to me by Mr. Kejriwal.
 My answer is : nothing. Nothing has been offered or given to me by him. In fact I have never even met Mr. Kejriwal  in my life. Any one can verify this from Mr. Kejriwal.

 I have studied Mr. Kejriwal ( through the media ), and my opinion about him, which I have expressed earlier also, is that he is an upright man, who genuinely wishes to do good. He was earlier impulsive and impatient, but he has realized his mistakes and has learnt from them.

 As regards the BJP, I have already given my views in my articles ' The Party is Over' and ' Why Delhiites should vote for AAP ' on facebook and my blog
My reasons why Delhi voters should vote for AAP are as follows :

1. As explained in my article ' Why Delhiites should vote for AAP ', Delhi is mainly a city of shopkeepers and traders i.e. small and middle level businessmen. Earlier, the Jan Sangh, which later became the BJP represented these classes, while Congress represented big business. Now Congress has been decimated ( largely due to its own misdeeds ), and now BJP has become the party of big business ( or at least a section of it ), while in Delhi AAP represents small and middle businessmen. So it is in the interests of Delhiites to vote for a party which will represent them.

2. One of the main problems of Delhiites is electricity and water bills, and AAP  is the only party which has shown an inclination to address this issue seriously

3. As regards BJP, everybody now realizes that the slogan of 'vikas' was bluff, illusion and sham rhetoric for winning the votes of the Indian youth who were unemployed, or who had the prospect of unemployment staring at them, and thought that vikas meant creation of millions of jobs for them. Instead, the Indian economy is stagnant, and there are lay offs ( see my articles ' The Party is Over '  and ' The Dream has Evaporated ' on fb and my blog )

4. All that BJP has is hatred of minorities. It pretends to be a party representing Hindus, but that is a sham and a pretence. In fact the BJP leaders have no idea of the great Hindu intellectualism, the real contribution of Hindus in science, literature, law, grammar, etc and instead by substituting falsehood for truth dilute the latter and make us a laughing stock before the whole world ( see my articles ' Mixing the True with the Untrue '  and ' Making us a laughing stock ' on fb and my blog ).

5. As regards Congress, the less said about it the better. During the rule of UPA scam followed scam, and Sonia Gandhi has yet to render accounts about them. As regards Rahul Gandhi, is any comment necessary for this boy ?  .